USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


The Changing Face of Microbial Communities in Contaminant Plumes

Desert vegetation at the Amargosa Desert Research Site
USGS scientists extracted DNA from aquifer materials and analyzed the DNA for microbial community composition using several methods.
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Use of monitored natural attenuation as a cleanup option for hazardous waste sites often relies on estimates of the effectiveness of indigenous microbial communities to degrade the contaminant. Typically, samples collected from the contaminated ground water are tested to quantify degradation rates. The degradation rates are used in models to assess the effectiveness of natural attenuation and to design monitoring strategies. USGS scientists and their colleagues, however, have shown that the composition of the microbial community in a contaminant plume continually changes both temporally and spatially, suggesting that the accuracy of estimates of microbiological degradation depends on when and where test samples are collected. This variability could impact the effectiveness of monitored natural attenuation and engineering systems that enhance biodegradation processes to clean up sites. Failure to account for the variability could result in remediation plans that are less effective because of changes or shifts in the makeup of microbial communities in contaminant plumes.


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