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Top 10 Plays for International Student Athletes

January 23, 2012

Top 10 Plays for International Student Athletes

As previously reported on Study in the States, there are opportunities for international students to become members of amateur athletic teams at U.S. colleges and universities. As with all international students, it is important to maintain visa status while in the United States.  Here are the top ten “plays” to remember as an international student athlete:

1. No False Starts:

Students may enter the United States no more than 30 days prior to their program start date.

2. Transfer:

Students may only transfer to other Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified schools. You can check to see if your school is SEVP-certified by using the School Search Page.  

3. Run the Distance…Once:

All international students must take a full course of study each term. Only one online or distance class per academic term counts toward a full course of study. For student athletes, courses may not count as distance classes if the student athlete takes them on the road and the coaching staff substantially monitors the student’s work. If you have questions, talk to your designated school official (DSO).

4. Moneyball:

Student athletes may receive stipends and scholarships while in the United States. It is not employment if an international student participates in a non-professional sport (as determined by the National Collegiate Athletic Association).    

5. Working Out:

Student athletes must receive work authorization from a DSO and, in some cases, from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services before beginning employment.  To learn more about working, see Working in the United States.

6. Forward Progress:

Student athletes must make normal academic progress toward completing their program.

7. Take & Pass:

Student athletes must attend and pass their classes. Student athletes should not drop classes without first discussing this with their DSO.

8. Maintain:

Student athletes must maintain nonimmigrant status. Students who do not maintain status are in the United States illegally and may endanger their ability to stay in or later return to the United States. 

9. Full Course Press:

Students must enroll in and attend a full course of study each academic term. For undergraduates, this is usually at least 12 semester, trimester or quarter hours. A DSO may issue a full course of study for medical, academic or language problems but not to accommodate a sports practice schedule.

10. Need Additional Coaching? Talk to your DSO. 

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