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The United States and Mexico trade over $1.25 billion in goods and services each day, a number that we work to grow by helping more U.S. companies succeed in Mexico. The North American Free Trade Agreement opens many markets to interested U.S. companies. U.S. businesses that seek to export from Mexico enjoy the benefits of NAFTA, but also Mexico’s extensive network of additional trade agreements, which ease access to over 40 additional markets, including the European Union and Japan. For these reasons and others, many U.S. firms look to Mexico as their first step into the world of exports and international business.

If you are unsure of where to start, let the Mexico Business Information Center (BIC) help. The Mexico BIC is comprised of trade specialists that have Mexico expertise. Review the getting started page and then contact us via email with your Mexico export questions at mexicobic@trade.gov or by phone at:

Aliza Totayo

Geoffrey Bogart
858 467-7052

Robert Queen

If you have specific questions about customs and documentation issues, ASK MANNY. Manuel Velazquez, Commercial Specialist in our Monterrey office counsels U.S. companies on a daily basis in the customs and shipping areas. He can be reached at manuel.velazquez@trade.gov or +52-81-8047-3124.

What are things you need to know when exporting to Mexico? Click here to review frequently asked questions.

Interested in learning more about opportunities for a specific sector in Mexico? Click here to review our growing list of podcasts on the Mexican market.

Upcoming Event:

Realizing the Economic Strength of Our 21st Century Border: Trade, Education, and Jobs,”