North Florida Intelligence

The North Florida Region is unique in that it handles the bulk of illicit drug trafficking entering the state through the overland interstate transit routes. North Florida Intelligence acts in support of Information Sharing as part of the Decision Superiority Plan and also has taken the lead on maintaining and managing secure networks for the Central Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (CFHIDTA) and North Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NFHIDTA). Our analysts routinely oversee the production of each HIDTA’s Annual Drug Threat Assessment, but in 2009, played an even more important role in the production of the first ever Statewide Drug Threat Assessment conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Currently there are approximately 18 analysts who work in 10 different locations as a Tactical, Operational, or Strategic Analyst. Below are some accomplishments from 2009 that typify CD support to law enforcement agencies in the North Florida Area.

FDLE State Fusion Center Tallahassee

The Florida Fusion Center (FFC) is located in FDLE Headquarters in Tallahassee, and has a 24/7 investigative support center for situational awareness and after hours tactical support. Per Presidential Directive in 2008, Governor Crist designated the FFC in Tallahassee to serve as the hub of communications between the federal government and state and local law enforcement regarding homeland security and terrorism information.

In 2009 the FFC completed 12 strategic threat assessments (one classified) on topics ranging from cloned vehicles, human trafficking, virtual money laundering, school bus safety, stored value cards, copper thefts and critical infrastructure. During the last six months of 2009, the FFC completed 53 formal requests for information (RFIs) from the federal government relating to on-going investigative efforts, and completed 17 Homeland Information Reports (HIRs) through the Department of Homeland Security. In 2009, over 400 intelligence products were created by the FFC, to include briefings on confirmed positive encounters in Florida with subjects of interest to the Terrorist Screening Center.

NFHIDTA Jacksonville

In Fiscal Year 2009 the Florida Counterdrug Program contributed six full-time Intelligence Analysts and a Deputy Coordinator to the NFHIDTA, to work along side of the five civilian analysts employed by the agency. Of the six Military Intel Analysts assigned, three provide tactical support while the other three provide analytical support. In addition to their normal duties, these analysts also specialize in providing graphical intelligence and conducting Post-Seizure Analysis (PSA).

Our NFHIDTA CD Intel team provided graphical intelligence support for cases that resulted in 74 arrests for 11 operations, including Operation Safe Streets, Operation Second Line, Operation Up in Smoke, Operation Rooftop, Operation Lights Out, Operation Old Acquaintance, Operation Storefront, Operation Fort Knox. The Investigative Support Center (ISC) works closely with several LEAs at the local, state, and federal level, including but not limited to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO), Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Coast Guard, Baker County Sheriff’s Office, Clay County Sheriff’s Office, St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office (SJCSO), Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the Gainesville Police Department. From Oct. 1, 2008 to march 31, 2009, 49 of the 50 physicians in the U.S. who dispense Oxycodone directly from their offices were located in Florida.

During Fiscal Year 2009, Florida Counterdrug Program Intel Analysts at the NFHIDTA supported a total of 1,298 cases and 6,807 man-hours of case support. Our CD Intelligence Team assisted the NFHIDTA in meeting its Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) objectives for safety de-confliction outputs by inputting 1,640 entries into the HIDTA case support system, and by providing training for 103 individuals from the following agencies: FDLE, SJCSO, FHP Tallahassee Regional Communications Center (TRCC), and FHP Jacksonville Regional Communications Center (JRCC). Our NFHIDTA CD Intel team provided graphical intelligence support for cases that resulted in 74 arrests for 11 operations, including Operation Safe Streets, Operation Second Line, Operation Up in Smoke, Operation Rooftop, Operation Lights Out, Operation Old Acquaintance, Operation Storefront, Operation Fort Knox. The graphical intelligence collected contributed to the cases’ successful prosecutions.

The NFHIDTA Counterdrug Intel team is involved in a year-long case, which is still ongoing, involving 15 people in a racketeering scheme that includes a cocaine and marijuana smuggling ring and theft of “go-fast” boats valued in excess of $4 million. During the year a Fusion Cell, which is an information and intelligence exchange operation that merges data from a variety of sources, was established at the NFHIDTA. The Florida Counterdrug Analysts in the Fusion Cell has provided support for financial Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS), identifying eight subjects for future seizure warrants beginning in July 2009 through the end of the calendar year. In addition, several potential Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) have been identified and trends have been discovered in interstate movement of monies and narcotics.

Supported Agencies

  • FDLE State Fusion Center
  • DEA
  • FDLE
  • FDLE Operations Center