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Onsite Research
Conducting R&D with NETL

NETL actively seeks to develop R&D partnerships with the private sector and universities on areas of mutual interest. A new initiative with regional universities has greatly enhanced the collaborative nature of onsite research.

The Laboratory’s onsite research capabilities and facilities can be utilized through several partnership mechanisms.

Competitive R&D solicitations. The Office of Research and Development (ORD) does not compete for funds in solicitations issued by NETL’s project management organization, to prevent any conflict of interest. However, ORD collaborates with external contractors, other national laboratories, and universities conducting work for DOE via contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. Funds-in agreements are used when external organizations want NETL to perform work on a certain topic. One benefit of such collaborations is using onsite research to eliminate the need for all outside groups to build separate test platforms for each research concept.

Cooperative research and development agreements.   CRADAs or licensing arrangements may be desirable in cases where the Laboratory has developed a concept and has an intellectual property position, and where there is a programmatic need to commercialize the concept. Generally, the first step in formalizing a CRADA is an expression of interest to NETL by the potential private-sector participant. The expression of interest triggers a series of discussions both within NETL and with the potential participant to decide whether NETL and the participant can define a project that will benefit both parties and whether the needed resources are available to perform the envisioned work.