United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Heat Injuries

Silhouette of a soldier on a truck in front of the bright sun

Veterans serving in hot, desert climates, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, may have suffered from heat injuries. These heat injuries include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sunburn.

Heat stroke is a serious illness that occurs when the body is unable to control its own temperature.

Heat exhaustion is an illness caused by dehydration and salt loss, and can lead to heat stroke.

Sunburn occurs when skin is overexposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Health problems related to heat injuries

Veterans who have suffered from heat injuries during military service may be more susceptible to heat and more serious heat injuries in the future.

Health concerns?

If you are concerned about health problems associated with heat injuries during military service, talk to your health care provider or local VA Environmental Health Coordinator.

Veterans not enrolled in the VA health care system, find out if you qualify for VA health care.

VA benefits

Veterans may be eligible for VA disability compensation benefits and health care benefits for health problems associated with heat exposures during military service.

Veterans' dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. Read Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors to learn more.

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