United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Health Care for Gulf War Veterans


VA offers a variety of health care benefits to Gulf War Veterans, including a Gulf War Registry health exam and clinical treatment at VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Centers.

Gulf War Registry health exam

Medical professional 
takes blood pressure of veteran patient

VA offers a free Gulf War Registry health exam to all Veterans who served in the Gulf during the 1990-1991 Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or Operation New Dawn.

Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA health care system to receive the Gulf War Registry health exam.

VA’s Gulf War Registry health exam is a voluntary medical exam to track the special health concerns of Gulf War Veterans. The collected data enables VA to understand and address health problems more effectively.

Eligibility for health care

Veterans first must enroll in VA’s health care system to receive care. There are many ways a Veteran may qualify.

VA provides priority enrollment for health care to Veterans who have disabilities VA has determined are service-connected, including illnesses related to Gulf War service such as certain medically unexplained illnesses and infectious diseases. Veterans may receive cost-free care and medications for service-connected illnesses.

Find out if you qualify for VA health care.

Apply online to enroll for VA health care.

Treatment at VA War Related Illness and Injury Study Centers

VA's War Related Illness and Injury Study Centers (WRIISCs) provide clinical expertise for Veterans with deployment health concerns or difficult-to-diagnose illnesses. WRIISCs are in three locations: Washington, DC; East Orange, NJ; and Palo Alto, CA. For an appointment at a WRIISC, you need to get a referral from a VA primary care doctor. You must be enrolled in and receiving VA health care.

Learn how to get a referral.

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