Project Functions

Exhibit 7 depicts the major functions—or disciplines—associated with a mass fatality incident response. In a large response, each function may require a full-time resource; in the response to a smaller incident, one person may be able to fill multiple roles. Regardless of the size of the incident, however, each of these functions should be considered during development of a project management plan. [Note: Many of these functions are discussed in other chapters of this report.]

Project functions can be defined as follows:

Project Management ensures that all functions work in concert to provide accurate identifications as rapidly as possible within budgetary constraints.

Sample Accessioning and Tracking consists of accessioning remains and reference samples, ensuring chain-of-custody documentation, and managing the flow of samples and data within the laboratory and among outsourced laboratories.

Sample Analysis means performing DNA tests on remains and reference samples.

Identification Management has two parts: (1) making identifications by matching remains and reference samples and (2) reviewing the metadata—information from all sources linked to a particular sample—associated with the reference samples to ensure they were correctly associated with the putative victim.

Quality Control refers to the processes and procedures that a laboratory uses to detect and avoid mistakes. Quality control also ensures that there are no discrepancies between DNA analysis and other modalities (i.e., that the metadata can be reconciled when a conflict occurs).

Information Technology (IT) and Informatics includes the software and hardware that supports the identification effort.

Human Resources focuses on meeting the needs of the staff, volunteers, and consultants who are working on the response effort.

Media Relations involves interacting with the press and establishing how and when information is released to the media.

Family Coordination encompasses educating families, collecting the reference samples and family data necessary to identify victims, and providing information to the families.

Procurement involves ensuring that the correct equipment, supplies, and services are available to the response in a timely manner.