

Federal Ship-Repair Overseer Pleads Guilty to Charge of Accepting Gratuity

July 07, 1999


Former Maritime Administration employee Warren Hilton was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Beaumont, TX, in January 2000, for accepting gratuities. Hilton, formerly a marine surveyor at the Beaumont Reserve Fleet office, will be jailed 4 months, serve another 4 months' home detention, and pay $7,460 in restitution for accepting gratuities from a government contractor. He also will be placed on a year of supervised release. In July, Hilton pleaded guilty, admitting he received a color television, a videocassette recorder, and other items from CBH Services, Inc., a MARAD subcontractor. Costs of these gratuities were concealed in invoices submitted to MARAD to cover costs of repairing government vessels.
