

Highway Construction Foreman Ordered to Pay $8,750 in Restitution in Minority Contractor Scheme

April 29, 2002


Christ Minerd, foreman of Hardrives Paving & Construction, Inc., of Cleveland, OH, a Federal highway contractor, was ordered by a U.S. District Court judge in Cleveland to pay $8,750 in restitution and spend 1 year on probation for taking part in a scheme to submit fraudulent invoices to Mahoning County, OH, for asphalt that was never produced or used.

Minerd admitted that he took part in a conspiracy with a contractor that served as the minority front company through which Hardrives won contracts to do work. Hardrives owner, James R. Sabatine, pleaded guilty in August to bribing public officials to maintain favored status in winning paving contracts and for submitting fake invoices for asphalt that was never applied. Sabatine’s sentencing date has not yet been set. OIG investigated the case with the FBI and the Department of Labor OIG.
