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Stephen Hartley


Contact Info

Short Biography


M.S., Geology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2000

B.S., Geology, Louisiana Tech, 1985            


Current Position:


I am responsible for installation, configuration, and overall maintenance of software, hardware, and networking for geographic information system operations. My specific duties include managing and coordinating GIS projects, performing image analysis, developing prototype GIS products, troubleshooting, quality control, personnel management and training, and interacting with clients.  I serve as the NWRC's GAP coordinator for Louisiana.

Download CV


Thatcher, C.A., Hartley, S.B., and Wilson, S.A. 2010. Bank Erosion of Navigation Canals in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1017/OCS Study BOEMRE 2010-039, In Press.

Linscombe, R.G., and Hartley, S.B., 2011, Analysis of change in marsh types of coastal Louisiana, 1978–2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1282, 52 . [Link]

Barras, John; Beville, Shelly; Britsch, Del; Hartley, Stephen; Hawes, Suzanne; Johnston, James; Kemp, Paul; Kinler, Quin; Martucci, Antonio; Porthouse, Jon; Reed, Denise; Roy, Kevin; Sapkota, Sijan; Suhayda, Joseph, 2003. Historical and rojected coastal Louisiana land changes: 1978-2050. Open-File Report 2003-334, 39 . [Link]

Day, R.H., and Hartley, S.B., 2009, An estimate of above ground forest biomass within

            the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana, USA [abs.], in SWS-WWA-WBS Joint

            Meeting, Wetland Connections, June 21-26, 2009, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 41,



Hartley, S.B., 2009, Modified methodology for projecting coastal Louisiana land changes

            over the next 50 years: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map

            3098, 1 sheet, scale 1:750,000.


Burkett, V.R., Hyman, R.C., Hagelman, R., Hartley, S.B., Sheppard, M., Doyle, T.W.,

            Beagan, D.M., Meyers, A., Hunt, D.T., Maynard, M.K., Henk, R.H., Seymour,

            E.J., Olson, L.E., Potter, J.R., and Srinivasan, N.N., 2008, 2.0 Why study the gulf

            coast?, in Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation Systems

            and Infrastructure: Gulf Coast Study, Phase I; Report by the U.S. Climate Change

            Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research:

            Washington, D.C., Department of Transportation, Synthesis and Assessment

            Product 4.7, 445 p., online at



Sasser, C.E., Visser, J.M., Mouton, Edmond, Linscombe, Jeb, and Hartley, S.B., 2008,

            Vegetation types in coastal Louisiana in 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File

            Report 2008-1224, 1 sheet, scale 1:550,000. Available at



Hartley, S., 2007, USGS humanitarian and geospatial response for search and rescue after

            Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, in Science and the Storms: the USGS Response to

            the Hurricanes of 2005: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey, USGS Circular

            1306, p. 17-20, online at


Barras, John A., Hartley, S., Johnston, James B., and Jones, W. R. 100+ years of land

            change for coastal Louisiana [map] 2004. In Sappington, N., ESRI Map Book,

            p. 74: ESRI.


Hartley, S. and Johnston, J. ATLSS data viewer: a tool to analyze and display ATLSS

            model outputs [abs.] First National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration:

            Sustainable Ecosystem Restoration Through Integration of Science, Planning and

            Policy, 2004, 173 Lake Buena Vista, FL: National Conference on Ecosystem



Johnston, J.B., Barras, J., Hartley, S., and Sapkota, S., 2004, Coastal Louisiana:

            America's  vanishing wetlands: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National

            Coastal Condition Report, Office of Research and Development, Office of Water:

            Washington, D.C., EPA-620/R-01/005, p. 160-161, also available at



 Barras, J., Beville, S., Britsch, D., Hartley, S., Hawes. S., Johnston, J., Kemp, P., Kinler,

            Q., Martucci, A., Porthouse, J., Reed, D., Roy, K., Sapkota, S., and Suhayda, J.,

            2003, Historical and projected coastal Louisiana land changes: 1978-2050: USGS

            Open File Report 03-334, 39 p. Available at



 Handley, L.R., Calix, A.G., Jones, W., Hartley, S., Mouton, R.C., Martucci, A., and

            Linscombe,R.G., 2003, Mapping restoration management of a disappearing

            barrier island - Raccoon Island, Louisiana [abs.], in Wetland Stewardship:

            Changing Landscapes and Interdisciplinary Challenges, 24th Annual Conference

            of the Society of Wetland Scientists: New Orleans, La., June 8-13, 2003: New

            Orleans, La., p.123.


 Handley, L.R., Wells, C.J., Lichenberg, D., Mouton, R.C., and Hartley, S., 2003, High

            Resolution mapping of marsh dieback syndrome [abs.], in Wetland Stewardship:

            Changing Landscapes and Interdisciplinary Challenges, 24th Annual Conference

            of the Society of Wetland Scientists: New Orleans, La., June 8-13, 2003: New

            Orleans, La., p. 124.


Hartley, Stephen B., Johnston, James B., and O'Neil, C. P.  Spatial correlations between

            STATSGO/SSURGO soil data bases and the Louisiana GAP land use/land cover

            in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, 6th Biannual Basics of the Basin Research

            Symposium  Addressing the Condition of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin,

            Pontchartrain Research Committee and Gulf Estuarine Research Society -

            Annual Meeting, 2002, 26-32 New Orleans, LA: Pontchartrain Research



Chabreck, R. H., Linscombe, G., Hartley, S., Johnston, James B., and Martucci, A. 

            Coastal Louisiana: marsh-vegetation types [CD-ROM] 2001, 1. Lafayette, LA:

            USGS National Wetlands Research Center, Report to the Coastal Wetlands,

            Planning, Protection and Restoration Act, and the Louisiana Department of

            Wildlife and Fisheries.


Daigle, J.J., and Hartley, S.B., 2001, Development of a soil erosion model to predict

            vulnerability of various marsh ecosystems [abs.]: Abstracts from "Coastal Marsh

            Dieback in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Extent, Causes, Consequences, and

            Remedies," USGS Information and Technology Report, USGS/BRD/ITR--2001-

            0003, 31 p.


Linscombe, G., Chabreck, R. H., and Hartley, S.  Abstracts from Coastal Marsh Dieback

            in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Extent, Causes, Consequences, and Remedies

            2001, 1-31 No. USGS/BRD/ITR--2001-0003. Stewart, R. E., Jr., Proffitt, C.

            Edward, and Charron, T. M. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, Biological

            Resources Division.


Handley, Larry R., Calix, A. G., Jones, W., Hartley, S., Seeger, E. B., Barrilleaux, T. C.,

            Mouton, R. C., Marien, L., Martucci, A., and Linscombe, G. Nourishment of a

            disappearing barrier island -- Raccoon Island, Louisiana 2000, 31 No.

            USGS/BRD/ITR-2000-0008. Handley, Larry R., D'Erchia, F. J., and Charron, T.

            M. Lafayette, LA: U.S. Geological Survey.


Hartley, S., A. Martucci, and J.B. Johnston. 2000. Wetland reserve program decision

            support system. Pages 27-28 in L.R. Handley, F.J. D'Erchia, and T.M. Charron,

            editors. Extended abstracts from BioGeo99: applications of geospatial technology

            to biological sciences. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division,

            Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR--2000-0008.


Hartley, S., Pace, R. III, Johnston, J. B., and others, 2000, A GAP analysis of Louisiana

            Final report and data Lafayette, LA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.

            Geological Survey,2 CD-ROM's.


Wilson, A. C., Barras, John A., Hartley, S., and Johnston, James B.  Geographic

            information systems in the courtroom for natural resource litigation, 2000, 3-4

            No. USGS/BRD/ITR-2000-0008. Handley, Larry R., D'Erchia, F. J., and Charron,

            T. M. Lafayette, LA: U.S. Geological Survey.


Fuller, D. A., Barras, John A., Handley, Larry R., Steyer, Gregory D., and Hartley, S. The

            integration of GIS and image processing technology with real-time data collection

            for monitoring wetland restoration projects, Abstracts of the Proceedings of 15th

            Annual ESRI User Conference, 1999, 200-201


Greco, R. E., Wagner, R. T., McGinnis, T. E., II, Cahoon, Donald R., Hartley, Stephen

            B., and Rogers, R. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) pipelines and navigation canals

            along the gulf coast of Texas [abs.]  Conference Abstracts from the 15th Biennial

            International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation '99, 1999, 41-42:

            Louisiana Sea Grant College Program


Johnston, James B., Barras, John A., Hartley, S., Fuller, D. A., and Steyer, Gregory D.

            The integration of GIS and image processing technology for monitoring wetland

            restoration projects [abs.]  Wetlands for the Future: Proceedings of INTECOL's V

            International Wetlands Conference, 1998, 607-616 Glen Osmond, Australia:

            Gleneagles Publishing


O'Neil, C.P., L.R. Handley, S. Hartley, J.B. Johnston, B. Coffland, and L. Schoelerman.

            1996. 1995 scanned aerial photography of the Kisatchie National Forest in

            Louisiana. Pages 293-299 in Sixth Biennial Forest Service Remote Sensing

            Applications Conference Publication. American Society for Photogrammetry and

            Remote Sensing, Denver, CO.


Handley, Larry R., Calix, A. G., Seeger, E. B., and Hartley, Stephen B. Large scale base

            map production using aerial photography and a global positioning system [abs.]

            Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and Geographic

            Information Systems Workshop [abs.], 1995, 64 Lafayette, LA: National

            Biological Service, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Department of

            Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana State University, Louisiana

            Geographic Information Systems Task Force, Louisiana Chapter of the Urban and

            Regional Information Systems Association, National Oceanic and Atmospheric

            Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Mid-South Region and Gulf

            Coast Chapter of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


Ramsey, Elijah W., III and Hartley, S. National Wetlands Research Center uses visual

            true color classification in waterfowl habitat mapping. Earth Observation

            Magazine, 3[2], 28-30. 1994.


My Science Topics

Science Topic
Geographic Analysis and Mappingaerial photography
Geographic Analysis and Mappinggeospatial analysis
Geographic Analysis and Mappingmaps and atlases
Geographic Analysis and Mappingremote sensing
Geographic Analysis and Mappingspatial analysis

My USGS Science Strategy Areas

Understanding Ecosystems & Predicting Ecosystems Change

Data Integration & Interoperability

GIS Ecosystem Assessment and Modeling

Here at the Center I apply advanced spatial analysis and modeling methods to analyze and understand a variety of ecosystem issues, such as wetland ecosystem restoration, distributions of wildlife populations, and disturbances in coastal natural resources. I design systems to use in wetland restoration planning, risk assessment, ecosystem modeling, landscape ecology, biodiversity studies, and sensitivity analyses. These studies primarily use GIS-based spatial data, but also include remotely sensed imagery, field measurements, and planning information from resource managers. In addition to spatial models, research products also include synthesized ecological data sets and GIS-based decision support systems for implementing model analysis.

Contact Information

Stephen Hartley
700 Cajundome Blvd.
Lafayette, LA 70506
337-266-8616 - Fax
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