Access Board • Implementing Plain Language (PWA)


The Plain Writing Act (PWA) of 2010 [PDF] requires federal agencies to write “clear Government communication that the public can understand and use.” President Obama also emphasized the importance of establishing “a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration” in his January 21, 2009, Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government.

The Access Board is committed to writing new documents in plain language by October 2011, using the Federal Plain Language Guidelines.

We need your help to comply with this Act!  Let us know if you have trouble understanding our documents or the pages on our website:

We have assigned staff to oversee our plain language efforts:

We’re training our employees and have strengthened our oversight process.  We must use plain language in any document that:

Please let us know if we haven’t written a document in plain language:

We are required to report on our progress and compliance with the Act by July 13, 2011.

PWA Contact

James Raggio, General Counsel
U.S. Access Board
1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC  20004
202-272-0040 (voice)
202-272-0081 (fax)