
ClimateWatch Magazine is an online, popular-style magazine for the science-interested public covering topics in climate science, adaptation, and mitigation. ClimateWatch publishes feature stories and other articles, along with images, data visualizations, and videos about the work NOAA and other agencies and institutions do to understand and predict climate variability and change.


ClimateWatch is part of NOAA’s Website, which is an education and outreach project of the Climate Program Office in NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research.

Editorial Policies

ClimateWatch Magazine publishes original work as well as submissions from partner agencies and organizations. The magazine is written and designed to inform, inspire, educate, and entertain the science-interested public on topics in climate science, adaptation, and mitigation.

The magazine’s content is based on the best available science, and it is produced by experienced science communicators in consultation with and reviewed by one or more scientific subject matter experts prior to publication. When necessary to ensure accuracy and completeness, or to resolve conflicting opinions among reviewers, authors, and/or editors, ClimateWatch solicits additional reviews from its science panel members or other subject matter experts whom they recommend.

For submissions from other agencies or organizations, ClimateWatch verifies that a similarly rigorous editorial procedure was applied. If the contributor’s review process is adequate, an article or other content does not undergo additional subject matter expert review prior to publication on ClimateWatch. If the editorial procedures of the submitted article did not include a rigorous scientific review, the managing editor identifies an appropriate expert(s) to conduct a review prior to publication on ClimateWatch.

If necessary, submitters may be asked to revise their articles, have them re-reviewed by their sources, and resubmit them. ClimateWatch does not make any revisions to submitted articles without the approval of contributors and, when necessary, their original subject matter expert reviewers.

Have a story idea? Send us a tip.


David Herring (NOAA), Chief Editor; Rebecca Lindsey (2020, LLC, an Acentia company), Managing Editor; Ned Gardiner (2020, LLC, an Acentia company), Data Visualization Leader & Executive Video Producer; (2020, LLC, an Acentia company), science writer & social media editor; Hunter Allen (2020, LLC, an Acentia company), GIS & data visualization developer; Richard Rivera (2020, LLC, an Acentia company), production artist & web developer.


Michon Scott, Zack Guido, Brian Kahn, LuAnn Dahlman, Dan Pisut, Kurt Mann, Alicia Albee, Bruce Sales, Katy Human, Judy Keopsell, Margaret Mooney, Sudhir Shrestha, Katy Vincent, Susan Osborne, Barb DeLuisi, Francesco Fiondella.

Science Panel

Roles and responsibilities

The Science Panel is comprised of senior climate scientists & experts from across NOAA and academic institutions and climate science organizations outside of NOAA. The Science Panel provides a good representation of a wide range of relevant climate science disciplines. The Science Panel provides guidance, recommendations and editorial feedback in the following ways:

  1. recommends additions and adjustments to the scope and functionality of;
  2. engages on as-needed basis in response to climate-related current events for public interpretation;
  3. identifies significant forthcoming climate-related journal articles that are likely to be of interest to the public, thus helping to set the Portal’s editorial priorities;
  4. advises managers and editors regarding presentation of NOAA’s and partners’ climate science information;
  5. reviews / approves articles, images, presentations, videos and captions prior to publication, as needed.
  6. helps answer reader-submitted questions, or NOAA outreach personnel questions, as needed.

Jessica Blunden, Tim Boyer, David P. Brown, Chris Burt, Leo Donner, David Fahey, Katherine Hayhoe, Wayne Higgins, Rick Lumpkin, John Marra, Jeff Masters, John Nielsen-Gammon, James Partain, Richard Rood, LaDon Swann, Scott Weaver, Kandis Wyatt.