All Special Extended Benefit Programs

Name Effective Dates Weeks Payable Financing
Temporary Unemployment
Compensation (TUC)
PL 85-441
Reachback to 06/57

06/58 – 06/59

Up to 13
Interest free loans
to 17 participating
Temporary Extended
Compensation (TEUC)
PL 87-6
Reachback to 06/60

04/61 – 06/62

Up to 13
FUTA increase:
0.4% in 1962
0.25% in 1963
Temporary Compensation
PL 92-224
PL 92-329
No reachback

01/72 - 09/72
10/72 - 03/73

Up to 13
Up to 13

increase 0.08% in
Federal Supplemental
Benefits (FSB)
PL 93-572
PL 94-12
PL 94-45

PL 95-19
No reachback

01/75 – 03/75
03/75 – 09/75
10/75 – 12/75
01/76 – 03/77
04/77 – 01/78
EB effective in all states through 12/77
Up to 13
Up to 26
Up to 26
Up to 13 or 26
Up to 13, beginning 05/77

General Revenue
Federal Supplemental
Compensation (FSC)
PL 97-248
PL 97-424
PL 98-21
PL 98-118
PL 98-6
PL 99-15
Reachback to 06/82

09/82 – 12/82
01/83 – 03/83
04/83 – 09/83
09/83 – 10/83
10/83 – 03/85
04/85 – 06/85

Up to 6, 8, or 10
Up to 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16
Up to 8, 10, 12, or 14
Up to 8, 10, 12, or 14
Up to 8, 10, 12, or 14

General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
Emergency Unemployment
Compensation (EUC)
PL 102-164
PL 102-244
PL 102-318
PL 103-6
PL 103-152
Reachback to 02/91

11/91 – 02/92
02/92 – 06/92
06/92 – 09/93
09/93 – 10/93
10/93 – 02/94
02/94 – 04/94

Up to 13 or 20
Up to 26 or 33
Up to 20 or 26
Up to 10 or 15
Up to 7 or 13

General Revenue
General Revenue
Temporary Extended
Compensation (TEUC)
PL 107-147
PL 108-11
PL 108-26
Reachback to 03/01

03/02 – 12/02
12/02 – 05/03
05/03 – 12/03
01/04 – 03/04

Up to 13 or 26
Up to 13 or 26
Up to 13 or 26

Emergency Unemployment
Compensation (EUC 08)
PL 110-252
PL 110-449
PL 111-5
PL 111-92
PL 111-118
PL 111-144
PL 111-157
PL 111-205
PL 111-312
PL 112-78
PL 112-96

PL 112-240
Reachback to 05/07

07/08 – 03/09
03/09 – 12/09
12/09 – 02/10
02/10 – 04/10
04/10 – 06/10
06/10 – 11/10
11/10 – 01/12
01/12 – 03/12
02/12 – 05/12
05/12 – 09/12
09/12 – 01/13
01/13 – 01/14

Up to 13
Up to 20 or 33
Up to 20 or 33
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 20, 34, 47, 53, or 63
Up to 20, 34, 47, or 53
Up to 14, 28, 37, or 47
Up to 14, 28, 37, or 47

General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
General Revenue
FUTA = Federal Unemployment Tax Act EUCA = Extended Unemployment Compensation Account

1 PL 108-11, which provided additional benefits (up to 39 or 52 weeks) to displaced airline and related workers under the TEUC-A program, is not included as it did not change the basic TEUC program.
2 Expanded the number of weeks payable, but did not change effective dates.

Note: Caution should be used when comparing programs.

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