Argonne National Laboratory


Users Highlights

Department of Energy Office of Science
GM/CA @ APS Sponsors:
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

News - Users Highlights

Experiments at the GM/CA beamlines have resulted in many world-class results in the field of molecular biology. Here are some excerpts from the users works of GM/CA @ APS:

First structure of a complex between a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) and its G protein revealed. Brian Kobilka group (Stanford University) and collaborators.
Structure of Mediator head module revealed. Yuichiro Takagi group (Indiana University School of Medicine) and collaborators.
Visualizing an Intermediate State of the Maltose Transporter. Jue Chen group (Purdue University).
Structural Basis for Methyl Transfer by a Radical SAM Enzyme. Amy Rosenzweig group (Northwestern University) and collaborators.
Designing antibodies to Influenza. Ian Wilson group (The Scripps Research Institute) and collaborators.
Complex formation in the M1-fibrinogen network. Partho Ghosh group (University of California, San Diego) and collaborators.
Allosteric activation of Protein Kinase C. James Hurley group (National Institutes of Health) and collaborators.
A structure of the Sindis virus capsid. Michael Rossmann group (Purdue University) and colleagues.
First structure of a protein-activated GPCR. Ray Stevens group (The Scripps Research Institute) and collaborators.
Jasmonate Perception. Ning Zheng group (University of Washington) and collaborators.
Oxidative Demethylation in crystallo. Chuan He group (University of Chicago) and collaborators.
Epigenetics. Ben Black group (University of Pennsylvania).


See also:  List of GM/CA @ APS users publications.


GM/CA @ APS is an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory

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