
U.S. Exports: Helping Create an American Economy Built to Last

February 7, 2012

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Francisco J. Sánchez is the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.

Increasing U.S. exports is an essential part of shaping a healthier and stronger American economy.

This is a point that President Barack Obama made clear during his recent State of the Union Address, when he unveiled his “blueprint for an economy built to last.”  In the speech, the President outlined the four pillars that “an economy built to last” should be founded on:

Under Secretary Sánchez joins representatives from U.S. companies who have partnered with Commerce on its New Market Exporter Initiative

Under Secretary Sánchez joins representatives from U.S. companies who have partnered with Commerce on its New Market Exporter Initiative

  1. A new era for American energy, spurred by a commitment to homegrown and alternative energy sources; 
  2. Equipping young people and workers with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century economy; 
  3. A renewal of the American values that demands fairness for all, and responsibility from all; and 
  4. Supporting the manufacturing sector to create jobs and make more American products.

This manufacturing pillar is especially important to us at ITA.  We know that this sector is critical for the middle class.  And, the middle class is the backbone of our economy.  That’s why we are committed to helping U.S. manufacturers succeed.

How?  By helping them sell more of their stuff in markets across the world.  Increasing U.S exports has long been one of the President’s main goals.  Two years ago, he launched the National Export Initiative, striving to double U.S. exports by the end of 2014. 

Many doubted that this could be done.  But, I’m proud to report that we are on pace to achieving this goal. 

This is good for jobs.  This is good for businesses.  And, this is good for the American economy.   

Reaching the goals of the NEI to date has been a team effort.  We’ve been committed and creative in the ways we are helping to boost U.S. exports.

As you’ll read in this issue of International Trade Update, we are promoting advanced manufacturing in the textile industry and expanding the New Market Exporter Initiative with the National Association of Manufacturers.  We are supporting the travel and tourism industry.  And, just this week, we signed a Memorandum of Intent with the City of Tampa, and its partners, to maximize the potential of its local port when it comes to exporting.

We’ve done a lot.  But, we are not satisfied.  Despite our successes, we remain just as focused on the future.

For example, later this month, I’ll be leading the first-ever ports and maritime technology industry trade mission to India.  This will give U.S. companies a unique chance to be a part of the huge infrastructure projects taking place in the country.  And, we have a number of exciting initiatives that will be unveiled throughout the year. 

Stay tuned.   

In the meantime, please reach out to ITA through export.gov or your local U.S. Export Assistance Center if you have, or know of, American businesses that would benefit from exporting.

Selling their products overseas will be good for jobs and local communities.  It will also go a long way in creating an American economy — built to last. 

One comment

  1. I think manufacturing is vital to any good economy and its good the government realise this

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