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Federal Election Commission
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Disclosure Data Catalog

Welcome to data.fec.gov. We're building data files that will allow you to download campaign finance information in ways that we hope are most useful for you. We'll be moving the data we've always posted on our ftp server to this new location with these new formats and RSS capabilities. We're also working on a number of new datasets that will also be available here as we move forward.

Each of the files listed here can be downloaded in either csv or xml formats. Each also has a metadata page that describes the information included and the structure of the file itself. You can also subscribe to RSS feeds for many of the files so you're notified whenever new data is available or a change is made.

Finally, there are links to the Commission's Disclosure Data Blog - where we'll be posting information about the files and our future plans and you can get help with any questions about the data we're providing here. We're very interested in your ideas and suggestions, so we hope you'll check in often.