SOCIAL STREAM: Egypt Violence Intensifies

Opponents and supporters of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi clashed near the presidential palace in Cairo, Wednesday.  More »

Ramallah – Palestinians React to UN Vote

Ramallah, West Bank. Nov. 30 after the UN vote for increased status. Photo by Rebecca Collard

Last night, Palestinians cheered their new United Nations status. In Ramallah, the headquarters of President Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority, thousands gathered in a central square to hear Abbas speak and wait for the results of the General Assembly vote. Many were excited for the new recognition, and some were confused about the meaning of More »

SOCIAL STREAM: Palestinians Win UN Bid

The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly endorsed a Palestinian Authority bid to upgrade its status of “non-member observer entity” to that of a “non-member observer state.” The Palestinians sought the upgrade despite stiff opposition from Israel and the United States. Both countries have insisted that the move will not advance peace or change More »

SOCIAL STREAM: The Palestinian Statehood Vote

Anticipation – and apprehension in some quarters – is building as the United Nations General Assembly prepares to take up a vote to upgrade Palestinians at the U.N. from observer to non-member state status. The change bears huge significance as it would for the first time recognize Palestinians as a state entity affording them More »

SOCIAL STREAM: Jordan Friday – Protest or Prelude to Revolution?

As Middle East protests go, it was hardly a blip on the radar screen:  2,000 people staged a rally in downtown Amman Friday to protest the cutting of fuel subsidies earlier in the week.  The protest was largely quiet – and the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest and best-organized opposition group, did not participate. Reporter Paul More »

Middle East Reacts to Obama Re-election

“All of us share this world for but a brief moment in time. The question is whether we spend that time focused on what pushes us apart, or whether we commit ourselves to an effort – a sustained effort – to find common ground, to focus on the future we seek for our children, More »

‘Let Girls Be Girls!’ – UN Marks First-ever Day of the Girl Child

October 11, 2012, marks the United Nation’s first-ever observance of the International Day of the Girl Child. According to the U.N., selected as this year’s theme was “Ending Child Marriage.” Organizers say it was chosen because the practice is seen as a phenomenon that violates millions of girls’ rights, disrupts their education, jeopardizes their More »

Syria at the United Nations: Sticking to Its Narrative

Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Muallem addressed the  United Nations General Assembly in New York Monday. His speech, according to observers, contained few, if any, surprises.  He accused some permanent U.N. Security Council members and other countries of supporting “terrorism,” singling out several by name. “We…wonder to what extent the statements of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, More »

Examining Free Speech in Wake of Anti-US Protests

It's an issue that has been making headlines lately, triggered not just by the highly controversial film clip depicting the Prophet Muhammad in an offensive light, but by the publication of cartoons in a French magazine--and even the release of revealing photos of British royals. More »

The World Reacts to Anti-Muslim Film

Probably not since the notorious Quran burning calls by controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones in 2010/2011 have relations been so tense between the United States and the Muslim world in what seemingly boils down to a conflict between perceived blasphemy and free speech. Still sore wounds were reopened earlier this month by a YouTube More »

SOCIAL MEDIA TRACKER: Monitoring World Reaction to Libya Attack

The world woke up Wednesday morning, September 12, to news that the US ambassador to Libya and three embassy staff were killed in an attack on the US Consulate in the eastern city Benghazi late Tuesday. Reaction was swift and varied... More »

SNC Responds to Criticism by Activists Inside Syria

MEV Senior Reporter Cecily Hilleary has recently been engaged on Twitter and in emails with a purported Syrian citizen whom, in order to protect his identity, we will call by his Twitter name, @chamsyria.  In one email, @chamsyria expressed concern about the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC), suggesting that a group that seems to More »

Lebanon’s Sectarian Clashes Echo Syria Crisis

For months, analysts have warned that the crisis in Syria could reignite the same tensions that set off Lebanon’s 15-year civil war.  Those worries appear to be justified.  At least 12 people have died and dozens of others wounded in three days of street battles between Lebanese Sunni and Alawites in the city of Tripoli.  More »