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By E-mail or Phone

If you require technical assistance or have questions that are unanswered after viewing this site, please refer to the FAQ page or use the following resources:

Live Phone Help: Speak with benefits experts between 9AM and 5PM EST Monday - Friday:

  • Local - 703-286-2560
  • Toll-Free - 888-721-ARMY (888-721-2769).

Local Resources: Use our Resource Locator page to identify locations and offices that may assist you in your area.

E-mail Help: To receive a response to a benefit question by e-mail, contact You will receive a reply from a benefits specialist within one business day.

Contact a Benefits Specialist Using the Web Form Below (Preferred): If you experience errors while operating this site or have a question / issue / comment about the information in any of the modules on this site, complete the web form below. You will receive a reply within one business day from a benefits specialist. Your case number and confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address you provide.