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Planning Ahead

2006: Volume 9

  • Issue 1 (February)
    CW Pocket Reference Updated; Corps Helps Clear Way for Great Development; How Did Shore Protection Projects Perform During 04 Hurricanes?; PROSPECT Course- Ecosystem and Planning Meeting Issues; ER 1105-2-101 Update.

  • Issue 2 (March)
    Assuring the Adequacy of Environmental Documentation for Consistency and Maintenance Dredging of Federal Navigation Projects; Dealing with Externalities in Navigation Projects; Sources for Economic Information.

  • Issue 3 (April)
    Planning CoP Conf. Info; LRD Even. CoP Conducts Video Teleconference of "The Ideal Section 7 Consultation"; Farwell to Ken Orth; Looking at Kennewick man Through a Wider Lens--- A Commentary; Association of State Floodplain Managers National Conference; The DC Experience; Blue Leaving San Francisco.

  • Issue 4 (May)
    Independent Tech Review Means Outside the Originating District; Planning for the Future of Coastal Louisiana; Third Regional Workshop on Coastal Engineering and Bird Conservation; Endangered Species (TES)-FY06 Reporting; Water Supply Business Program; Dam Restoration Keeps Military Moving Forward; Interactive Data Visualization in Excel to Support Collaborative Planning.

  • Issue 5 (June)
    ISO IWR-PLAN Version 4.0 Beta Tester; House of Representatives Passes FY 07 Energy and Water Dev. Appropriations, Legislation Moves to Senate; The Preservation of Factors Walk Retaining Wall; Air Base Dorm Takes off In Arctic.

  • Issue 6 (July)
    The Watershed Notebook-A Resource for Watershed Planning and Management; New List Server List Created for Corps Planning CoP; LRD Environmental CoP Conducts VTC on Environmental Dredging; Living with Natures Extremes- New Bio of Gilbert White; President Signs FY2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill.

  • Issue 7 (August)
    MOA with National Audubon Society Inc. Signed; Legislative Roundup- FY 07 Appropriations and Water Resources Development Act- Congress Goes on August Recess; Endangered Species, Hydroelectric Power, Water Supply, and Recreation.

  • Issue 8 (September)
    Conserving America's Wetlands; Collaborative Planning- Focus on RED and OSE; Corps Innovative Methods Save Vermont Recreation Area; The Trillion Dollar Man.

  • Issue 9 (October)
    OMB Grants Generic Clearance for Civil Works Public Surveys; Green River, KY- Sustainable Rivers Success; Environmental Management Project Celebrates 20 Years; A Couple of Views on Developmental Assignments; Barriers to Collaborative Planning in Corps Studies; IWR Website- Useful Features for Planning Community.

  • Issue 10 (November-December)
    Policy on Approval for Modification and Alteration of COE Projects; Economic Guidance for FY07; Agreements and Collaboration Between WSWC and COE; Inter-Agency Habitat Project Improves Environment; Corps and State Collaborate to Restore and Enhance Historic Property.
