Driving Directions

GPS Addresses

Location Street Zip City Latitude Longitude
Clay Kaserne Erbenheim Flugplatz 65205 Wiesbaden 50.043412 8.250943
Amelia Earhart Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 39 65187 Wiesbaden 50.067355 8.231485
Aukamm Westfalen Strasse 65191 Wiesbaden 50.08796 8.277449
Crestview Marsweg 65191 Wiesbaden 50.083181 8.270306
Dagger Training Center     Darmstadt 49.842682 8.585094
Hainerberg Shopping Center New York Strasse 65189 Wiesbaden    
Mainz-Kastel Housing Wiesbadener Strasse 55252 Wiesbaden 50.020075 8.2722
Mainz-Kastel Storage Station Ludwig-Wolker-Strasse 55252 Wiesbaden 50.013999 8.286678
McCully Barracks Ober Olmer Strasse 55263 Wackernheim 49.971026 8.117243
Rheinblick Golf Course Wiesser Weg 65201 Wiesbaden 50.081647 8.160999
Rheinblick Recreation Complex   65201 Wiesbaden 50.072198 8.179767
Wiesbaden Lodge Mississippi Strasse 65189 Wiesbaden    

General directions

  • A3 to A66 (exit 47) direction of Wiesbaden
  • Take exit for B455 Mainz-Kastel (exit 6)
  • Follow the signs to Wiesbaden Army Airfield

Directions to Clay Kaserne

From Hanau or Frankfurt:

  • A3 to A66 (exit 47) direction of Wiesbaden
  • Take exit for B455 Mainz-Kastel (exit 6)
  • Follow the signs to Wiesbaden Army Airfield

From Giessen:

  • A5 to A66 (exit 18) direction of Wiesbaden
  • Take exit for B455 Mainz-Kastel (exit 6)
  • Follow the signs to Wiesbaden Army Airfield

From Heidelberg:

  • A656 to A6 (exit 3)
  • A6 to A67 (exit 25) Viernheimer Dreieck
  • A67 to A60 (exit 3) Ruesselsheimer Dreieck
  • A60 to A671 (exit 26) Mainspitz Dreieck
  • Take the Wiesbaden-Erbenheim exit (exit 3)
  • Follow the signs to Wiesbaden Army Airfield

Directions to Mainz-Kastel Storage Station

From Wiesbaden Army Airfeld:

  • B455 in the direction of Mainz
  • Go through the light at Kentucky Fried Chicken and stay on B455 (Boelckestrasse)
  • Turn left at Ludwig-Wolker-Strasse (An Esso gas Station will be on the right)
  • The entrance will be ahead on the right

Direction to Mainz Kastel Housing/Transportation Motorpool

From Wiesbaden Army Airfeld:

  • B455 in the direction of Mainz
  • Turn right at the first light onto Otto-Suhr-Ring
  • Take a left at the second light onto Wiesbadenerstrasse
  • The entrance will be ahead on the left

to top of page Map of the area and of army locations
Last Updated: 7/19/2012 4:32:47 PM