Votes for May 2011
  Question Bill Result Date
379 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1954
To Implement the President’s Request To Increase the Statutory Limit On the Public Debt
Failed 5/31/2011
378 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass S 1082
Small Business Additional Temporary Extension Act
Passed 5/31/2011
377 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1484
Veterans Appeal Improvement Act
Passed 5/31/2011
376 On Motion To Concur In the Senate Amendment To the House Amendment S 990
Small Business Additional Temporary Extension Act Of 2011
Passed 5/26/2011
375 On Passage H R 1540
To Authorize Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2012 For Military Activities Of the Department Of Defense and For Military Construction, To Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths For Fiscal Year 2012, and For Other Purposes.
Passed 5/26/2011
374 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1540
To Authorize Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2012 For Military Activities Of the Department Of Defense and For Military Construction, To Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths For Fiscal Year 2012, and For Other Purposes.
Failed 5/26/2011
342 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 276
Providing For Further Consideration Of H.r. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2012
Passed 5/25/2011
341 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 276
Providing For Further Consideration Of H.r. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2012
Passed 5/25/2011
340 On Passage H R 1216
To Amend the Public Health Service Act To Convert Funding For Graduate Medical Education In Qualified Teaching Health Centers From Direct Appropriations To An Authorization Of Appropriations
Passed 5/25/2011
339 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1216
To Amend the Public Health Service Act To Convert Funding For Graduate Medical Education In Qualified Teaching Health Centers From Direct Appropriations To An Authorization Of Appropriations
Failed 5/25/2011
334 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 269
Consideration Of Hr 1216 To Amend the Public Health Service Act To Convert Funding For Graduate Medical Education In Teaching Health Centers From Direct Appropriations To An Authorization Of Appropriations; Consideration Of Hr 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act, Fy 2012; and Waiving Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii
Passed 5/24/2011
333 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 269
Consideration Of Hr 1216 To Amend the Public Health Service Act To Convert Funding For Graduate Medical Education In Teaching Health Centers From Direct Appropriations To An Authorization Of Appropriations; Consideration Of Hr 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act, Fy 2012; and Waiving Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii
Passed 5/24/2011
332 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1657
To Amend Title 38, United States Code, To Revise the Enforcement Penalties For Misrepresentation Of A Business Concern As A Small Business Concern Owned and Controlled By Veterans Or As A Small Business Concern Owned and Controlled By Service-disabled Veterans
Passed 5/23/2011
331 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1383
Restoring Gi Bill Fairness Act Of 2011
Passed 5/23/2011
330 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1627
Honoring American Veterans Act Of 2011
Passed 5/23/2011
329 On Passage H R 754
Intelligence Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2011
Passed 5/13/2011
328 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 754
Intelligence Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2011
Failed 5/13/2011
322 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 264
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 754) To Authorize Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2011 For Intelligence and Intelligence-related Activities Of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and For Other Purposes
Passed 5/12/2011
321 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Con Res 50
Providing For An Adjournment Of the House
Passed 5/12/2011
320 On Passage H R 1231
Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
Passed 5/12/2011
319 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1231
Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
Failed 5/12/2011
311 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 257
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 1231) To Amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To Require That Each 5-year Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program Offer Leasing In the Areas With the Most Prospective Oil and Gas Resources, To Establish A Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Production Goal
Passed 5/11/2011
310 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 257
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 1231) To Amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To Require That Each 5-year Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program Offer Leasing In the Areas With the Most Prospective Oil and Gas Resources, To Establish A Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Production Goal
Passed 5/11/2011
309 On Passage H R 1229
Putting the Gulf Of Mexico Back To Work Act
Passed 5/11/2011
308 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1229
Putting the Gulf Of Mexico Back To Work Act
Failed 5/11/2011
298 On Passage H R 1230
Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
Passed 5/5/2011
297 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1230
Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
Failed 5/5/2011
294 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 245
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 1229, To Amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To Facilitate the Safe and Timely Production Of American Energy Resources From the Gulf Of Mexico; and For Consideration Of H.r. 1230, To Require the Secretary Of the Interior To Conduct Certain Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sales
Passed 5/5/2011
293 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 245
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 1229, To Amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To Facilitate the Safe and Timely Production Of American Energy Resources From the Gulf Of Mexico; and For Consideration Of H.r. 1230, To Require the Secretary Of the Interior To Conduct Certain Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sales
Passed 5/5/2011
292 On Passage H R 3
No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act
Passed 5/4/2011
291 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 3
No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act
Failed 5/4/2011
290 On Passage H R 1214
To Repeal Mandatory Funding For School-based Health Center Construction
Passed 5/4/2011
289 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1214
To Repeal Mandatory Funding For School-based Health Center Construction
Failed 5/4/2011
286 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 237
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 3, No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act
Passed 5/4/2011
285 On Passage H R 1213
To Repeal Mandatory Funding Provided To States In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act To Establish American Health Benefit Exchanges
Passed 5/3/2011
284 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 1213
To Repeal Mandatory Funding Provided To States In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act To Establish American Health Benefit Exchanges
Failed 5/3/2011
280 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 236
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 1213, To Repeal Mandatory Funding Provided To States In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act To Establish American Health Benefit Exchanges; H.r. 1214, To Repeal Mandatory Funding For School-based Health Center Construction.
Passed 5/3/2011
279 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 236
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 1213, To Repeal Mandatory Funding Provided To States In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act To Establish American Health Benefit Exchanges; H.r. 1214, To Repeal Mandatory Funding For School-based Health Center Construction.
Passed 5/3/2011
278 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1423
To Designate the Facility Of the United States Postal Service Located At 115 4th Avenue Southwest In Ardmore, Oklahoma, As the “specialist Michael E. Phillips Post Office”
Passed 5/2/2011