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Publication Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2002

Lynn M. Bauer, Brian A. Reaves, Ph.D.

August 1, 2003    NCJ 199995

Provides national data on Federal officers with authority to make arrests and carry firearms as of June 2002, based on a census of Federal agencies. Using agency classifications, the report presents the number of officers working in the areas of criminal investigation and enforcement, police patrol and response, security and protection, court operations, and corrections, by agency and State. Data on gender and race of officers are also included.


  • Duties for Federal officers included criminal investigation (40%), police response and patrol (22%), corrections (18%), noncriminal investigation and inspection (14%), court operations (4%), and security and protection.
  • INS (1,447) had the largest increase in number of officers. Next was the Veterans Health Administration (1,263), which continued its program to expand firearm authority to its entire police force, followed by the Customs Service (1,112) and BOP (748).
  • Women accounted for 14.8% of Federal officers in 2002. Minority representation was 32.4% in 2002, up from 30.5% in 1998. Hispanic or Latino officers comprised 16.8% of officers in 2002, and African American or black officers, 11.7%.

Part of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Series

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Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers

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