

DC Woman Sentenced in FAA Employee Identities Theft Case

November 15, 2004


Felicia Settles of Washington, DC was sentenced in U.S. District Court, Greenbelt, MD, to one year imprisonment and ordered to pay $82,000 in restitution following her guilty plea on June 14 to forging and trafficking identity cards. Between April 2000 and May 2001, Settles and Robert Clark, a former Headquarters FAA contract employee, illegally obtained the personal information of at least 28 FAA employees and 4 others. Clark and Settles used the stolen information to create false identification cards and obtained fraudulent lines of credit without the victims’ knowledge. The financial loss is estimated at approximately $362,496. Clark pleaded guilty on November 5 in U.S. District court in Greenbelt, MD to a single count of trafficking and using unauthorized and counterfeit access devices. Sentencing for Clark is set for February 11, 2005.
