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700 MHz Guard Bands


700 MHz Guard Bands

The 700 MHz Guard Bands consist of a total of 4 megahertz of paired spectrum that was initially allocated to protect public safety operations in immediately adjacent bands from harmful interference while at the same time promoting the efficient use of this spectrum. The Guard Bands licensees and their customers must adhere to specific technical and operational measures designed to minimize interference to public safety licensees, to the extent that the Guard Bands remain adjacent to the public safety allocation in the 700 MHz Band. Guard Bands licensees can act as system operators, or can lease their spectrum to system operators or directly to end users through the Commission’s Secondary Markets spectrum leasing policies and rules. You can read more about 700 MHz guard bands, the licensing process, and current ways of obtaining spectrum.

Band Manager Reports

700 MHz Guard Bands licensees are required to file annual reports with information about the manner in which their spectrum is being utilized. The first report was due October 1, 2002. Going forward, the annual reports are due on March 1 of each year and should describe the licensee's state of operation as of January 1 of that year. These reports must be filed electronically and are available to the public after Commission review and verification.
Service At A Glance
700 MHz Guard Bands
700 MHz Guard Bands spectrum can be used for fixed and mobile services. Spectrum can be leased to commercial service providers or directly to end users. Licensees and their customers must adhere to specific technical and operational requirements in order to protect public safety licensees, to the extent that the Guard Bands remain adjacent to the public safety allocation in the 700 MHz Band.
Service RulesCFR, Part 27
Band Plan
Band(s)757-758 MHz
775-776 MHz
787-788 MHz
805-806 MHz
BlocksA, B
Block Size2 MHz (paired spectrum)
Market Areas
  • MEAs
  • Licensing
    ULS Radio Service Codes
    WX - 700 MHz Bands
    9/6/2000 - 9/21/2000
    2/13/2001 - 2/21/2001
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