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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

European Meeting
Stockholm 2009

Meeting Info

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened at the Clarion Hotel Sign in Stockholm, Sweden, on October 27, 2009, during the 13th Congress of the International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN 2009).


Tuesday, 27 October 2009

  1. Welcome
    Capt. E. Thiedeman, Deputy Chair CGSIC, USCG, USA
  2. GPS status and update
    Jason Kim, National Coordination Office for Space-based PNT, USA
    View presentation (2 MB PDF)
  3. GPS constellation health and modernization
    Capt. Benjamin Barbour, U.S. Air Force, 2SOPS, USA
    View presentation (231 KB PDF)
  4. Ice movement and climate change
    Per Knudsen, National Space Institute, Denmark
    View presentation (2 MB PDF)
  5. GNSS - from experts to everybody
    Ilari Koskelo, Navdata Oy, Finland
    View presentation (1 MB PDF)
  6. Error sources in RTK-surveying and possibilities to increase the accuracy in the SWEPOS Network-RTK-service
    Ragne Emardsson, Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden
    View presentation (3 MB PDF)
  7. VRS GNSS RTK in Finland
    Seppo Tötterström, Geotrim Oy, Finland
    View presentation (8 MB PDF)
  8. Lunch
  9. Results from 15 years data from the SWEPOS network
    Jan Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Presented by Ragne Emardsson
    View presentation (7 MB PDF)
  10. Project adapted Networks-RTK for road construction projects
    Per Isaksson, National Road Administration, Sweden
    View presentation (2 MB PDF)
  11. GPS has changed the daily work of the surveyor
    Anders Engberg, Boras City, Sweden
    View presentation (3 MB PDF)
  12. Coffee
  13. Indoor positioning based on wireless LAN
    Per Høeg, National Space Institute, Denmark
    View presentation (2 MB PDF)
  14. Combination of Inertial Survey systems and GNSS for surveying
    Milena Anguelova, IMEGO, Sweden
    View presentation (2 MB PDF)
  15. Closing remarks
    John Wilde, DW International, UK International Deputy Chair, CGSIC

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