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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
Surveying, Mapping & Geo-Sciences Subcommittee

CORS Users Forum
Long Beach 2004

The Surveying, Mapping & Geo-Sciences (SM&G) Subcommittee of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened the 4th annual Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Users Forum on September 21, 2004, during the full CGSIC meeting in Long Beach, California.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

1:30 Welcome by Moderator
Gordon Adams, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey

1:40 The EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory: An Update Moving Into Project Year 2
Greg Anderson, UNAVCO, Inc.
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

2:00 Design, Construction and Implementation of a Statewide Real-Time Kinematic Network
John Ray, Ohio Department of Transportation
View presentation (6 MB PDF)

2:20 Technical, Operational, and Political Challenges of Building a Regional Multi-purpose CORS Network Along the Gulf Coast
Roy Dokka, Louisiana Spatial Reference Center
View presentation (6 MB PDF)

2:40 CORS/OPUS: Status and Future Prospects
Richard Snay, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
View presentation (756 KB PDF)

3:00 Ionosphere Monitoring Using NOAA's CORS Network
Dru Smith, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

3:10 Question/Answer Session with the Panel of Speakers

3:30 Break

3:45 Interactive Sessions within Small Discussion Groups

  Session A: Towards Real-Time Positioning moderated by Miranda Chin and Marti Ikehara (both with NOAA's National Geodetic Survey)

  Session B: OPUS moderated by Tomas Soler and Rick Foote (both with NOAA's National Geodetic Survey)

  Session C: Modeling the Ionosphere and the Troposphere moderated by Seth Gutman (NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory), Joe Kunches (NOAA's Space Environment Center), and Dru Smith (NOAA's National Geodetic Survey)

  Session D: Computer Friendly CORS moderated by Gordon Adams and Janet Irwin (both with NOAA's National Geodetic Survey)

5:15End of Forum

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