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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Kansas City 1996

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Kansas City, Missouri, on September 17, 1996.

The original meeting minutes are below.


1. Meeting agenda at Annex A, Attendee list at Annex B, and Action list located Annex C.

Item 1 - 20th Meeting Record Approval

2. After the Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting including for the first time Henry Baird from the Department of State, the record was approved.

Item 2 - Matters Arising

a. 20th Meeting Record

3. Jerry Bradley advised through a third party his intention to quickly forward a summary of the L1 frequency protection and interference issues. There were no reports about national local actions to protect the L1 frequency band.

b. 28th CGSIC Meeting

4. The meeting acknowledged the five action items identified at the main meeting i.e.

i. The timeliness and reliability of GPS information dissemination=20

ii. To determine the extent of L2 carrier phase use

iii. The need to establish links with the ISO TC211 committees

iv. To encourage the adoption of a common datum and timing system for GPS and GLONASS

v. To address the 1024 week problem anticipated in August 1999

Two related issues were identified:

vi. To assess the benefits by providing a second L5 frequency on the Block IIF satellites.

vii. The need to improve the performance of the system which disseminates GPS status and other information.

5. Issue vi. was subsequently discussed at the Executive panel meeting. The Radionavigation Policy Office committed to release a draft consultation letter for universal distribution regarding the needs and benefits of the proposed L5 frequency. Copies of this letter would be distributed to IISC Points of Contact to obtain comment and feedback from civil users.

6. The discussion of issue vii. resulted in the decision for the IISC Chair to submit a formal letter to the CGSIC Chair. Hank Skalski is aware of this issue and already working on it. Furthermore, he is coordinating the US DOT work linked to interference issues particularly global information dissemination.

c. GPS Interference and Protection

7. Formal presentation delivered to the main meeting by Hank Skalski

d. Outstanding Issues submitted to CGSIC

8. None outstanding

e. Gothenburg meeting record

9. George Preiss stated that copies are available from him at a cost of $100 and thanked the IISC for their meeting support.

Item 3 - Executive Business Plan Issues

10. George Preiss described the background to the Executive Business Plan (subsequently adopted at the Executive Panel meeting). Significantly, the EBP is binding on the Subcommittee and requires the adherence to Standard Operating Procedures.

11. The Subcommittee wondered if the US authorities intended to recognize the CGSIC in any future BI-lateral agreements between the US and other countries. The US meeting representatives requested more time to address this issue before responding.

12. One of the Australian delegates described their approach to GPS related issues with the formation of a GPS Sub-group at government level, the military contact through NATO and also the BI-lateral agreement between the United States and Australia.

13. In response to a further question concerning the attendance of the US delegates to the ICAO Inter Sessional Working Group, Henry Baird stated this is an international forum to which a formal US position is presented.

a. National reports and presentations

14. The Chair described the responses and feedback received as a result of the newly created reporting form. Although, the initial form had proved satisfactory, there is a need to refine it.

15. The Executive Panel also discussed this item and it was decided to change the CGSIC meeting format by making the IISC agenda more attractive and using the main meeting room for the sub-committee. To recognize the effort and expense to attend CGSIC meetings, each national representative, delegate or official Point of Contact will receive ample time and opportunity to present a comprehensive national report.

16. Hiroshi Nishiguichi stated that this was the 9th meeting he had attended and as a result had improved his and others knowledge of GPS related issues. As secretary of the Japan GPS Industry Council, he represented the private Japanese sector and although the JPGSC had contributed to the recent meetings between the United States and Japan about GPS he expressed the concern of JPGSC at any actions to formalize CGSIC contact at government level. These actions could result in the exclusion of the JPGSC from any such meetings.

17. George Wiggers, the CGSIC chair, replied by emphasizing the open nature of CGSIC and recognizing the need for the Committee to be impartial and independent.

b. Sub-committee Industry Affiliates

c. Procedure to Change Sub-committee charter

d. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

18. These topics will be covered by the Standard Operating Procedures associated with the Executive Business Plan.

Item 4 - Meeting Arrangements

a. 1996 European - Frankfurt

19. The preparations for this meeting are well advanced and were described to the Subcommittee. An updated information package will be forwarded to registered delegates prior to the meeting.

20. 50 to 100 delegates are expected to attend the meeting and it is the IfAG intention to create a Web site for access to the meeting proceedings. George Weber also hopes to organize representative exhibition for the meeting.

21. The efforts of IfAG and in particular George Weber to support the meeting were acknowledged.

b. 1997 Asia - Belconnen, Australia

22. A lengthy discussion occurred about this meeting and several locations were suggested. After the meeting, the Australian Land Information Group based near Canberra notified their firm intention to host and fund this meeting either in June or July 1997. (delegates travel and accommodation costs to their own account). It is planned to hold the meeting coincident with another meeting for the expanding Pacific GNSS aviation group, CGSIC delegates will be encouraged to attend both meetings.

23. When further information becomes available, it will be communicated to IISC Points of Contact. All potential participants and presenters are requested to contact either John Manning or the Secretary before the next CGSIC March 1997 meeting.

Item 5 - Information Service Topics

a. Internet

24. The Subcommittee recognized the impact of Internet for GPS and GLONASS information acquisition and distribution. The present arrangements were satisfactory and proved reliable in operation.

b. E-mail

25. The Subcommittee considered that on the whole e-mail worked very well and improved the timeliness of communication between members. Both Rebecca Casswell and Mike Savill encouraged all IISC Points of Contact be they individuals, organizations or national representatives to forward their addresses to either of them for POC list entry.

c. WWW implementation update

26. The meeting identified the need to create on the USCG Web pages a chapter which list links to other important services.

27. The subject of GLONASS information sources was raised and the need for separate sourcing of GLONASS for individual countries identified. Furthermore, GLONASS information sources should be discussed at the proposed meeting between the United States and Russia planned for December 1996.

d. Mirror Images of Information Services

28. This topic was not discussed but the IfAG Information Service does contain a near mirror image of the USCG Bulletin Board.

Item 6 - UK Hydrographic Meeting

29. Rebecca Casswell gave a short summary of the meeting. She highlighted the concern of the Hydrographer for accurate, reliable and timely sources of information. Only with such information sources, can the Hydrographer be confident of the information which they are publishing and reporting.

30. The Hydrographer advised a number of detailed issues related to information presentation on the USCG Bulletin Board. These are receiving attention by the USCG Navigational Information Service.

Item 7 - GLONASS Information

31. George Weber reported on the continued satisfactory operation of the NAGU acquisition and distribution system.

Item 8 - Points of Contact

32. The need to develop the POC list was identified and the necessity to redefine the tasks expected of a POC in the EBP Standard Operating Procedures. Henry Baird offered to assist with the POC list development and both the CGSIC and IISC secretaries committed to support the task.

32. The Subcommittee decided to retain the Point of Contact nomenclature as the name was felt to be unimportant. However, the importance of the POC role was recognized, and the Subcommittee noted the variety of options to perform and organize the POC role consistent with the open nature of CGSIC.

a. Asia

33. Hiroshi Nishiguichi reported on his efforts to create this list. He recently attended a GPS seminar in Singapore with the intention to identify new POCs. However, the majority of attendees were representatives governments rather than from industrial organizations or associations.

34. Keith McPherson kindly committed to provide a list of government representatives for the Far East and Arab countries.

b. Central and South America

35. Larry Hothem has continued the work to create this list.

c. Europe, Southern Africa and the Middle East

36. Hans van der Wal has continued the work to create this list. Professor Zielinski will forward details of active South African contact.

Item 9 - Any Other Business

37. Hank Skalski expressed his appreciation to the Subcommittee for their support of his GPS coordination activities.

38. Hiroshi Nishiguichi announced the intention to deploy nation-wide DGPS coverage for car navigation purposes by early 1997. The final MTSAT configuration is yet to be determined but it does have multipurpose objective. He urged the adoption of the term Globally Based Satellite Positioning Systems (GBSPS) to replace GNSS, as GNSS primarily relates to Europe, similarly GPS relates to the United States and GLONASS with Russia.



Item Subject Leader

(1) 20th Meeting Record Approval George Preiss

(2) Matters Arising Mike Savill

a. 20th Meeting Record

b. 28th CGSIC Meeting

c. GPS Interference and Protection

d. Outstanding Issues submitted to CGSIC

e. Gothenburg Meeting Record

(3) Executive Business Plan Issues George Preiss

a. National Reports and Presentations

b. Sub-committee Industry Affiliates

c. Procedure to Change Sub-committee charter

d. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP=92s)

(4) Meeting Arrangements Mike Savill

a. 1996 European - Frankfurt

b. 1997 Asia

(5) Information Service Topics Georg Weber

a. Internet

b. E-mail

c. WWW implementation update

d. Mirror Images of Information Services

UK Hydrographic Meeting Rebecca Casswell

GLONASS Information Georg Weber

(8) Points of Contact Mike Savill

a. Asia Hiroshi Nishiguchi

b. Central and South America Larry Hothem

c. Europe, Southern Africa and the Middle East Hans van der Wal

Any Other Business George Preiss




Bernald S Smith SA/FAI 1-510-656-0434 1-510-657-1261

Bo Jonsson National Land Survey +46 26 633738 +46 26 610676 bo.jonsson@i .se

McGregor-SauvGeodetic Survey Division NRCan+1-613-947-4208+1-613-995-3215sheryn.mcgregor-sauve@geod.nrcan.gc.ca

Lilliam Lorentzen The Norwegian Mapping Authority +47 321 18100 +47 321 18101 lilliam.lorenlzen@gdio.statkait.no

Georg Weber Inst. for Applied Geodesy +49 69 6333-391 +49 696 333 725 weber@itag.de

George Preiss Orbit Communications +46-8-652-0720 +48 6 651 8905 lobo25.3631@compuserve.com

Michael Savill Northern Lighthouse Board +131 226 7051 +131 220 2093

Toru Ito Toyota Motor Corporation +81-559-97-9808 +81 559 97 7878 navi-ito@fantasia.ml.toyota.co.jp

Atsushi Matsuda Sony Corp. (Member of JGPSC) +81-3-3458-7606 +81 3 3458 8489 matsuda@me.sony.co.jp

Keith McPherson Airservices Australia +61 6 268 4445 +61 6 268 4621 keith.mcpherson@airservices.gov.au

Karen Van Dyke DOT/Volpe Center +1 617 494 2432 +1617 494 2629 vandyke@volpe1.dot.gov

Ian Mallett Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia) +61 6 2685475 +61 6 2685696 100352.3544@compuserve.com

Rebecca Casswell US Coast Guard NAVCEN +1-703 313 5930 +1 703 313 5805 rcasswell@navcen.uscg.mil

Antony Vaudrey British Embassy W,DC +1 202 463 7529 +1 202 223 9368 civair@access.wigers.net

Terry Moore ESSG, University of Nottingham +44 115 951 3886 +44 115 951 388 terry.moore@nottingham.ac.uk

H Nishiguchi Japan GPS Council +81 3 3839 6844 +81 3 3839 2166 jgpsc@daz.so riet.or.jp

Len Allen US Coast Guard/DOT +1 202 366 0362 +1 202 366 7206 len.allen@qst.dot.gov

George Wiggers US DOT +1 202 366 5436 +1202 366 7206 george.wiggers@ost.dot.gov

Henry Baird US DOS OES/STH +1 202 677 2872 +1202 677 2432

Anne Solomon US DOS OES/S +1 202 677 3004 +1202 647 0217

Januse B Zielinski Space Research Centre/Polish Acad. Sciences +48 39 121273 +48 22 403131

Doug Scott Geomatics Canada/Geodetic Survey Division +1613 992 1279 +1613 995 3215

Richard Clark USAF NAIC/Wright-Patterson AFB +1 937 257 4113 +1 937 257 9888



Note: Action items are grouped in accordance with the objectives given in the current draft IISC Charter, and the "Housekeeping" group which concerns the management of the Sub-Committee.

Number Action Item Action by


1. Report on any national actions to pursue the protection of the All Standing

GPS L1 frequency band

2. Create summary of protection and interference issues concerning Jerry Bradley

GPS L1 frequency

3. Refine national report format Rebecca Casswell

George Preiss Mike Savill


Internavigation Research and Technical Centre information link George Weber standing

Common Web welcome page and list of links to other services NIS

Bulletin Board information presentation NIS


UK Hydrographic Department requests identification of GPS and Rebecca Casswell

GLONASS information sources Mike Savill

8. GLONASS information sources and organizational policy Jerry Bradley

Hank Skalski

Hans van der Wal

Determination of NIS GLONASS information acquisition policy NAVCEN


10. Validate and update European list Hans van der Wal

Mike Savill

Develop Far East list - provide list of government representatives Hiroshi Nishiguichi

Keith McPherson

Develop Central and South American list Larry Hothem Develop Southern Africa and the Middle East list Hans van der Wal

Mike Savill

Janusi Zielinski

Develop current POC list Henry Baird

Rebecca Casswell Mike Savill


Gothenburg -Forward meeting record to Vice-Chair and Secretary George Preiss

16. Asia ‘97- Develop arrangements for June/July 1997 Rebecca Casswell

AUSLIG hosted meeting George Preiss

John Manning

Keith McPherson

Mike Savill


Status reports timeliness - Letter to CGSIC Chair George Preiss

The benefits of L5 - Respond to consultation letter after receipt All
