

Owners and Two Employees of Moving Company Indicted Related to Household Goods Scheme

January 17, 2012


On January 9, 2012, Yaron Levin, Liat Lee Levin, Francisco Guevara, John Allen Darby, Golden Hand Moving LLC, and Movers USA LLC, were indicted in U.S. District Court, Denver, Colorado, on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, extortion, making a false bill of lading and theft from interstate shipment.  Golden Hand Moving LLC, subsequently d/b/a Movers USA LLC is owned and operated by the Levins. 

This case was initiated based on allegations that Golden Hand Moving/Movers USA was engaging in a hostage household goods scheme, designed to unjustly enrich the Levins.  The scheme entailed luring customers into doing business with Golden Hand Moving/Movers USA by offering extremely low moving estimates, taking possession of customers' household goods and then significantly increasing the price and withholding delivery of their household goods until the customers paid the fraudulently inflated price.  In addition, customers were threatened that if they refused to pay the increased price, their household goods would be auctioned off. 

Arrest warrants were issued for the Levins, Mr. Guevara and Mr. Darby.  The Levins surrendered to authorities and Mr. Guevara and Mr. Darby were arrested.  

This investigation is being conducted jointly with the FBI, with assistance from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 

Note:  Indictments, informations, and criminal complaints are only accusations by the Government.  All defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
