

Security Sweeps Indict 104, Net 81 at LA Area Airports

August 23, 2002


DOT OIG and other Federal agents arrested workers at three airports in the metropolitan Los Angeles area on charges of violating Federal law related to DOT, INS, and Social Security issues. Of the 104 individuals charged, all have security badges that allowed them access to highly secure areas of the airport, including planes, runways, ramps leading to planes, and cargo areas. So far, 81 have been arrested. Federal agents plan to continue making arrests.

The breakdown of arrests and indictments follows:
  • Los Angeles International—46 indicted, 34 arrested
  • John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana—52 indicted, 41 arrested
  • Ontario International Airport—6 indicted and arrested.

    The majority of the employees indicted and arrested worked in custodial, maintenance or food service jobs at the airports, though some worked as security screeners. Federal agents reviewed the records of every person at the four airports who holds a security badge—more than 48,000 people. The agencies involved were DOT OIG, Social Security Administration OIG, INS, and the U.S. Secret Service.
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