

27 Alleged Illegal Aliens Arrested at FAA-Approved Repair Station in North Carolina

March 08, 2005


In a major law enforcement operation involving DOT OIG, the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration and the FBI, 27 alleged illegal aliens were arrested all employees of contract labor companies which supply workers to Triad International Maintenance Corporation (TIMCO), Greensboro, NC. Those arrested (from countries including Sudan, Chile, Peru, and Laos) were charged with administrative violations of immigration law and will be placed in deportation proceedings. Three of the 27 hold FAA Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) Certifications. At this time, there is no reason to believe that any of the individuals were involved in or planning any terrorist activity, but having those with fraudulent identity documents working on or near critical aviation infrastructure poses an unacceptable risk to public safety. TIMCO is fully cooperating in the ongoing investigation. Note: As in any criminal case, a person is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. The charges filed merely contain allegations of criminal conduct.
