

Fluor Daniel to Pay Settlement For Overbilling Government

May 07, 2001


Fluor Daniel, Inc., one of the Nation’s largest engineering and construction companies, while not admitting any wrongdoing, agreed to pay the United States $8.2 million to settle a “whistleblower” complaint accusing it of improperly charging commercial overhead costs to its Federal contracts. The company was charged in 1997 with submitting millions of dollars in false invoices to the Government during 1995 and 1996. Fluor Daniel was under contract to perform environmental remediation work for the Department of Energy, and engineering and construction projects for numerous other Federal agencies. The DOT portion of the improper contract charges total over $623,000 and involve project management oversight services furnished to FTA and FAA. DOT-OIG investigated this case with the Department of Energy’s OIG, Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Army Criminal Investigative Division, and the Defense Contract Audit Agency.
