
A trip to the Land of the Magic Windows

A trip to the Land of the Magic Windows

Cartoon of entrance to an amusement park. Three kids and dog enter through archway that says 'Welcome to the land of the Magic Windows.' Ticket booth with woman inside stands just inside.

On her 10th birthday, Kate received a strange envelope in the mail from her grandfather. Inside was a piece of paper printed with the following riddle:

Although there's much to me you never will see,
I surround you and pound you. You never can flee.

Without me you'd starve and be blinded and cold,
The oceans would freeze, and darkness take hold.

But through the right window you may see a clue
That would otherwise ever be hidden from view

Of all that is beauty and mystery sublime
From far, far away and far back in time.

To learn what I am, present these tickets at the gate to the Land of the Magic Windows.

Cartoon of four tickets, including Admit One Dog.

Overcome with curiosity, Kate quickly gathered her three best friends and her dog, and they went to The Land of the Magic Windows.

Here's what Kate and her friends saw. Follow a path and click on a Magic Window building to enter.

Go to Gamma ray window Go to X-ray window Go to ultraviolet radiation window Go to visible light window Go to infrared light window Go to microwave window Go to radio wave window Go to Gamma ray window Go to X-ray window Go to ultraviolet radiation window Go to visible light window Go to infrared radiation window Go to microwave window Go to radio wave window

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