

Audit initiated on Integrity Threats to Hazardous Liquid Pipelines

July 13, 2005
Project ID: 05A3009A000


The Office of Inspector General plans to conduct an audit of the Office of Pipeline Safety’s (OPS) oversight of hazardous liquid pipeline operators’ processes for mitigating and/or repairing pipeline integrity threats. OPS initiated the integrity management program in 2000 after an analysis of several pipeline ruptures highlighted the need for continuous assessments of hazardous liquid pipeline segments. Our audit objectives will be to assess: (1) actions taken by pipeline operators to remediate integrity threats, and (2) OPS efforts to verify the adequacy of these corrective actions. The audit will include visits to OPS Headquarters and regional offices, state regulatory offices, and pipeline operator facilities. We also plan to contact relevant trade associations and other groups, as deemed necessary. We plan to start this audit the week of August 1, 2005. We will contact your audit liaison to schedule an entrance date to discuss the planned audit. The Program Director for the project is Darren Murphy, and the Project Manager is Jerrold Savage.
