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Posts tagged: Omak

A Green Ride to School

A biodiesel blend containing oil from winter canola is pumped into a Paschal Sherman Indian School bus. Pictured left to right: Washington State University extension specialist Phil Linden, Colville Confederated Tribes member Ernie Clark, ARS agronomist Frank Young, ARS technician Larry McGrew, and local grower Ed Townsend. Photo by Carla Des Voigne.

A biodiesel blend containing oil from winter canola is pumped into a Paschal Sherman Indian School bus. Pictured left to right: Washington State University extension specialist Phil Linden, Colville Confederated Tribes member Ernie Clark, ARS agronomist Frank Young, ARS technician Larry McGrew, and local grower Ed Townsend. Photo by Carla Des Voigne.

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Read more »