Author Archives: jennifer

2012 Economic Census data collection has begun!

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Written By: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg Since my last update, 2012 Economic Census operations are now under way. By now, nearly 4 million economic census forms will have landed on the desks of businesses across the country. Economic census forms … Continue reading

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A New Era Begins For Our Field Directorate

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The Closing of Six Regional Offices Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg Eighteen months have passed since we first announced the planned December 2012 closure of six regional offices and a significant change in how we manage survey data collection … Continue reading

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Remembering Louis Kincannon

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg It is with sadness that I share the news of the passing of Charles Louis Kincannon, our former director. As we mourn the loss of Louis, we share the knowledge that while Louis often … Continue reading

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The American Community Survey – The Big Data Source for Information about your Community

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg For just the third time, today we released the American Community Survey five-year estimates, which are for 2007-2011. These annual five-year estimates, represent a major statistical innovation in that they provide detailed economic, social, … Continue reading

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2012 Economic Census – Learn why Business-Owner Response Makes a Difference

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg While many of you may be familiar with the decennial census, are you aware that 2012 is the year of the next economic census? At the Census Bureau, we have been busy making preparations … Continue reading

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