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Lobbyist/Registrant Committee Statements of Organization

Below is an alphabetical list of political committees that have filed Statements of Organization indicating their status as lobbyist/registrant PACs.

Campaigns and leadership PACs controlled by candidates must disclose contributions beyond a certain threshold if they have been bundled by a lobbyist/registrant PAC. A bundled contribution is any contribution that is either (1) forwarded to a reporting committee by a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC, or (2) received by the reporting committee and credited to a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC through "records, designations, or other means of recognizing that a certain amount of money has been raised."

Because the status of a political committee depends on who established or controls it, the political committee's status may change from time to time. Therefore, the list includes all Statements of Organization filed after a committee has indicated that it is a lobbyist/registrant containing status indications of both "yes" and "no" and the dates on which those Statements were filed by each political committee.

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