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Tennessee Congressman Lincoln Davis is Honored by Development District Association of Appalachia

March 2010


WASHINGTON, March 3, 2010—U.S. Congressman Lincoln Davis of Tennessee has received the 2010 Congressional Award from the Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA). The award cites Davis for his ongoing commitment and strong support of the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and its programs and noted his "dedicated service to the people of the 13 state-Appalachian Region and especially those citizens of the Fourth Congressional District of Tennessee." Davis was also recognized for his continued support of community development efforts and the vital role that local development districts have in improving quality of life in the Region.

On receiving the award, Davis said, "Having been raised and lived all my life in rural Tennessee, I understand our needs. With infrastructure sorely lacking in the district and throughout most rural counties, it's critical for me to be a champion and advocate for responsible funding that will create healthier living and spur economic development. I am proud to accept this award."

The Congressional Award is presented each year by the DDAA to a member of Congress for outstanding service to the people of Appalachia and for support of the work of Appalachian local development districts and ARC. Local development districts nominate candidates, and the DDAA board makes the final selection.

The DDAA is a public, nonprofit organization made up of Appalachia's 73 multicounty planning and development districts. Its members work closely with ARC, other federal and state agencies, and local residents to identify and address economic development needs and opportunities in their communities.