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Materials Science

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Interactive Structure, Montmorillonite (Al2(OH)2[Si2O5]2 to Kx+2y(Al1-x,Mgx)(OH)[(Si1-y,Aly)2O5])

Madison Materials Research Science and Engineering Center introduces students to nanotechnology. Learn how we can "see" atoms, manipulate them...

The BioMOCA code has progressed steadily to become a flexible tool for investigation of ionic transport that can be used as a complement of more expensive Molecular Dynamics simulations. provides online simulations, learning modules, and interactive tools for learning about...

A microfluidics-based lab laboratory on a chip is being tested under a fluorescence microscope for the detection of biological samples. Credit: Melvin Khoo, Sam Lu, Chang Liu, University of Illinois a

Chemistry and Materials: Research Overview looks at the sciences of stuff and some of the greatest challenges in the field today...

Zone in on a Coke can to an atom-level.

Strange Matter helps students discover materials science and the secrets of everyday stuff. Find out...

National Science Foundation

National Park Service

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation
  See All 7 materials science Resources  
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