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How I Voted

Date Roll Bill Vote Title
Feb 13 40 h r 267 Yea Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013
Feb 13 39 h r 592 Yea To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to clarify that houses of worship are eligible for certain disaster relief and emergency assistance on terms equal to other eligible private nonprofit facilities, and for other purposes
Feb 06 38 h r 444 Aye To require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes
Feb 06 37 h r 444 No To require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes
Feb 06 36 h r 444 No Schrader of Oregon Amendment No. 2
Feb 06 35 h r 444 No Takano of California Amendment No. 1
Feb 05 34 h res 48 Aye Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved
Feb 05 33 h res 48 Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved
Feb 04 32 h r 297 Yea To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize support for graduate medical education programs in children’s hospitals
Feb 04 31 h r 225 Yea To amend title IV of the Public Health Service Act to provide for a National Pediatric Research Network, including with respect to pediatric rare diseases or conditions
Jan 23 30 h r 325 Aye To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 23 29 h r 325 Nay To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 23 28 journal Yea
Jan 23 27 h res 39 Aye Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 325) to ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 23 26 h res 39 Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 325) to ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 22 25 adjourn Nay
Jan 22 24 h r 307 Yea To reauthorize certain programs under the Public Health Service Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to public health security and all-hazards preparedness and response, and for other purposes
Jan 15 23 h r 152 Nay Making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 15 22 h r 152 No Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Part C Amendment No. 1, as Amended
Jan 15 21 h r 152 Aye Bishop of Utah Part C Amdt. No. 11 to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 20 h r 152 Aye Benishek of Michigan Part C Amdt. No. 10 to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 19 h r 152 Aye Fleming of Louisiana Part C Amdt. No. 9, as Modified to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 18 h r 152 Aye Duncan of South Carolina Part C Amdt. No. 5 to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 17 h r 152 Aye Broun of Georgia Part C Amdt. No. 4 to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 16 h r 152 Aye Flores of Texas Part C Amdt. No. 2 to Frelinghuysen of New Jersey Amdt.
Jan 15 15 h r 152 Aye Rogers of Kentucky Part A Substitute Amendment
Jan 15 14 h r 152 Aye Mulvaney of South Carolina Part B Amendment
Jan 15 13 adjourn No
Jan 15 12 h res 23 Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 152) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 15 11 h res 23 Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 152) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes
Jan 14 10 adjourn No
Jan 14 9 journal Yea
Jan 14 8 h r 219 Yea To improve and streamline disaster assistance for Hurricane Sandy, and for other purposes
Jan 04 7 h r 41 Nay To temporarily increase the borrowing authority of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for carrying out the National Flood Insurance Program
Jan 03 6 h res 5 Yea R
Jan 03 5 h res 5 Nay R
Jan 03 4 h res 5 Yea R
Jan 03 3 h res 5 Yea R
Jan 03 2 election Boehner
Jan 03 1 quorum Present