Heartwarming Stories From the Troops

One of the greatest comforts you can give our troops is letting them know their families are taken care of while they spend months serving their country far from home.

These words from one military wife offer a glimpse of that special feeling our troops get:

“The night before my husband left for deployment he was reading the children their bedtime story, but in the middle of it, he broke down. He hugged them and told them he was just going to miss bedtime stories with them. Our son put his arm around his dad’s shoulders to comfort him and said, ‘It’s okay, Daddy. Remember? You can still read to us on the DVDs that you send…just like last time!’”

Through your support for the USO’s partnership with United Through Reading’s Military Program, you can help deliver powerful moments like this to tens of thousands of our troops. It would mean so much to them.

Help make more special moments possible for our troops by donating $10 or more to support the USO’s partnership with United Through Reading’s Military Program, hosted at over 70 USO locations worldwide.

Your support will allow our troops to read a bedtime story to their children and then send a personalized DVD recording of it back home. I asked one troop to describe what this program means to him, and his response nearly brought me to tears:

“The USO and United Through Reading® filled a communication void with my two-year old son. He interacted with the video of me reading, and my wife reported back on the parts of the story that he responded to and what he said. I felt like I was having a dialogue with him that I couldn’t have had by any other means.”

There’s nothing more powerful than a parent’s love for their child. And nothing more touching than knowing you’ve helped a parent in the military play an important part in the life of their son or daughter.

Make a donation to connect more troops with the children they’re missing back home through the USO’s partnership with United Through Reading®.

It’s the least we can do for these selfless and brave individuals who sacrifice so much to serve our nation and protect our way of life.

Thanks for making this amazing program possible - Kelli Seely, Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer, USO

P.S. — Thanks to people like you, the USO has been able to join forces with United Through Reading® and deliver over 240,000 bedtime videos and storybooks over the last five years. Please help us keep reaching more troops and their families.

4 Responses to Heartwarming Stories From the Troops

  1. Pingback: Resources 4 Military Families – Heartwarming Stories From the Troops

  2. Americas Finest Hour by Ronald Reagan cd would be a great addition for our troops.

    • America’s Finest Hour by President Ronald Reagan is available at http://www.finesthr.com. You can hear Mr. Reagan with his audio of the Preamble to the US Constitution. By far, the most powerful audio that is available in the free world. Definitely will lift your spirits and patriotism. This audio should be heard throughout our military serving and out of uniform. Each time I hear it, I can cry with pride every time. This is a must for conservatives who love God and country. This keeps God in our country.

  3. As a combat-decorated U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, and directly responsible to keep my troops motivated and focused during the struggles to stay focused on our mission and purpose in the heat of war, I know Reagan’s America’s Finest Hour narrative of the Constitution would have been an awesome tool to have then to provide crystal-clear clarity to my troops during the battle to against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi Republican Guard. Just hearing Reagan deliver storytelling texture and framework on the Constitution and why we fight to support and defend it, serves as a clear reminder of who we are, why we fight the battles we fight, and why we should/will always be proud to be an American.

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