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Educational Resources

Meet US: Americans in Dialogue with Young New Zealanders about Life in the U.S.A.

The U.S. Embassy, is partnering with the New Zealand Defence Force, Archives New Zealand, Auckland War Memorial Museum, and educational resource platform eTV, to hold a Schools’ video history competition in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the lan

The U.S. Embassy, is partnering with the New Zealand Defence Force, Archives New Zealand, Auckland War Memorial Museum, and educational resource platform eTV, to hold a Schools’ video history competition in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the lan

Looking for ways to get your primary/intermediate students excited about science? We’re sending ‘science rapper’, Tom McFadden, around the country to do just that.

Looking for ways to get your primary/intermediate students excited about science? We’re sending ‘science rapper’, Tom McFadden, around the country to do just that.

Projects and Programs

This webpage outlines some of the projects and programs that we run or are involved with that are of particular interest to NZ students and educators.  Check here from time to time to learn about new programs and to get more detail on current programs.

Making History

The U.S. Embassy, is partnering with the NZ Defence Force, Archives NZ, Auckland War Memorial Museum, and eTV, to hold a schools’ vido competition in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the landing of U.S. troop in NZ during WWII.

The ‘Making History’ competition is inviting teams of students to tell a story in a short video about the time, which had a profound effect on New Zealand life.

We want you to use to Making History digital content available here in the telling of your story, but we also want you to get your own digital material and use that too! So film places and people, record interviews, find music of the time, digitize photos, scan documents and mix them up with the provided content, generously made available by Archives NZ. Go forth and film!

Science Idol

 Looking for ways to get your primary/intermediate students excited about science? We’re sending ‘science rapper’, Tom McFadden, around the country to do just that.  As part of the NZ International Science Festival’s Science Idol competition Tom will be visiting and performing at schools in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin from 21-30 May 2012.  If you’d like to get your students involved in this program send an email to or check out more info about the competition here (page will be live in late April).

Other Science happenings coming up

KiwiMars - In April 2012, six Kiwis take flight to “Mars”, where they will live as interplanetary explorers for a two-week mission at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) deep in the Utah desert, United States. Students in NZ can follow the team in a variety of ways and replicate some of their experiments at home. The Mission Support pages provide all the information you need with live webcams, mission blog updates and much more!

NZ International Science Festival – 30 June – 08 June. ‘What makes us tick?’ is the theme of this year’s festival, which takes place in Dunedin every two years. There will be events and activities for all ages, and even appearances by a NASA Astronaut.  More information will be available soon on the festival’s website.

Science House Foundation - The Science House Foundation provides funding to organizations that help to further science and mathematics education worldwide, and creates programs that provide schools with resources and educational experiences to spark the imagination.

NZ Ice Fest – Did you know that Christchurch is the ‘Gateway to Antarctica’? Every year hundreds of scientists from around the world come to Christchurch to get prepared for living and studying on The Ice for a few weeks or even a few months.  This year of the 100th Anniversary of Scott’s arrival at the South Pole, the NZ Ice Fest will celebrate all things Antarctica for 7 weeks in September-October 2012; from science lectures and demonstrations to the history and culture of the continent. The next best thing to being in Antarctica!  Check the website for updates and more details as the festival approaches.

Keeping Connected

For additional teaching resource links on a variety of U.S. topics see links to the left of this page and sign up to request updates on any topic or a guest speaker for your school.  You can also join us on several Facebook and Twitter feeds:

Study in the US Facebook page.

Study in the US Twitter.

General education and youth outreach info on Twitter.


  • KiwiMars.

NZ International Science Festival

  • NZ International Science Festival.

Science House Foundation

  • Science House Foundation.

NZ Ice Fest

  • NZ IceFest.

Educational Resources