USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for India

Success in India Paramount to Ending Preventable Child Deaths Globally

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

As I told DevEx during India’s Call to Action Summit, “success in India is paramount to see the global success and vision of ending preventable child deaths in this generation.” Read more >>

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Accelerating Innovation and Impact in Global Health

A child peers around the corner in the waiting room of the HIV Comprehensive Care Clinic of Meru District Hospital in Kenya’s Eastern province as two pediatricians stand in the background. Photo credit: Mia Collis, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Global health practitioners are recognizing the need to look beyond their traditional operating models and seek new solutions to reach the world’s most vulnerable. Read more >>

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India’s Leadership Furthers Global Child Survival Movement

William Hammink speaks at opening press conference for India's Call to Action on February 3, 2013. Photo credit: U.S. Embassy

India’s Call to Action demonstrates leadership and commitment to both the global community and the children of India. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Saving Children in India

Unicef India

February 7 marks the start of the National Summit on “Call to Action for Child Survival and Development Read more >>

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Ethiopia Hosts African Leaders to Accelerate Gains in Child Survival

Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tedros Adhanom opens the African Leadership for Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: UNICEF

Today it was an honor for me to join African colleagues in health and development at the opening of the African Leadership for Child Survival – A Promise Renewed. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Fighting Modern Day Slavery

Since 2009, USAID’s Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons program has been working closely with the Government of Bangladesh to help survivors of human trafficking through counseling and life skills training. Photo credit: Winrock International

Since 2005, USAID and the Government of Bangladesh have collaborated to address human trafficking on two fronts: by preventing it and by alleviating the suffering of its victims. Read more >>

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No Mountain Too High: Saving the Snow Leopards, Ecosystems and Communities of High Asia

Officials from 12 countries attended a three-day conference on the snow leopard in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on December 1-3, 2012. Photo Credit: USAID

Today is Wildlife Conservation Day, and USAID’s missions around the world are raising awareness of the interconnectedness between human and wildlife welfare in developing countries.

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Leading the Way in Enterprise Development

Svetkul Akmatova (center, in the traditional blue Kyrgyz jacket) and members of her organization, Altyn Kol Women's Handicraft Cooperative, busily prepare wool for their handmade carpets. Photo Credit: B. Jakypova, American Council for International Education

Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to supporting U.S. small businesses, is a good opportunity to highlight the importance of women-owned and managed small businesses around the world. Read more >>

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Mobile Games Bring Social Change to Developing Worlds

Children play the Half the Sky mobile games in Kenya. Photo credit: Ed Owles, Worldview

The Half the Sky Movement is excited to announce the release of three mobile phone games in India and Kenya. Read more >>

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Designing for Women: The Mobile Challenge


Imagine if you picked up a smartphone and didn’t know how to use it. What must it be like to have such a powerful device in the palm of your hand and not be able to utilize it? For many technically illiterate women in the developing world, navigating a smartphone or even a more basic feature phone is a real challenge. Read more>>

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