USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

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Q&A with the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Mari Carmen Aponte

U.S. Ambassador Mari Carmen Aponte. Photo credit: State Department

U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Mari Carmen Aponte, answers questions about the new partnership to combat citizen insecurity and strengthen municipal responses to crime and violence in 50 dangerous communities in El Salvador. Read more >>

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USAID Promotes Good Farming Practices in Azerbaijan

A local TV channel interviews USAID’s pomegranate expert at the USAID stand during the annual Pomegranate Festival in Goychay. Photo credit: Anar Azimzade/ACT

For the last couple of years, USAID has been supporting pomegranate farmers and processors with technical assistance and training. Read more >>

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A New Investment Model for Afghanistan

Alex Thier, USAID Assistant to the Administrator for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Photo Credit: USAID

I’m proud to announce that the United States government has signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a new and innovative public-private partnership in Afghanistan with the Aga Khan Foundation. Read more >>

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Success in India Paramount to Ending Preventable Child Deaths Globally

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

As I told DevEx during India’s Call to Action Summit, “success in India is paramount to see the global success and vision of ending preventable child deaths in this generation.” Read more >>

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Accelerating Innovation and Impact in Global Health

A child peers around the corner in the waiting room of the HIV Comprehensive Care Clinic of Meru District Hospital in Kenya’s Eastern province as two pediatricians stand in the background. Photo credit: Mia Collis, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Global health practitioners are recognizing the need to look beyond their traditional operating models and seek new solutions to reach the world’s most vulnerable. Read more >>

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USAID Visits U.S. Navy “Comfort” and Continues Joint Support of Disaster Response

USNS Comfort

Visiting the Comfort provided the opportunity for a firsthand view of the capacity and capabilities of the hospital ship, knowledge that provides USAID staff with a foundation for future decisions on crisis or disaster response. Read more >>

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India’s Leadership Furthers Global Child Survival Movement

William Hammink speaks at opening press conference for India's Call to Action on February 3, 2013. Photo credit: U.S. Embassy

India’s Call to Action demonstrates leadership and commitment to both the global community and the children of India. Read more >>

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International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

An estimated 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting. Photo credit: Panos

February 6 marks the 10th observance of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. Significant efforts have been made at the community, national, and international levels to address the issue. Read more >>

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Better Than Cash: Project Update

Several young Afghan men listen as a representative from M-Paisa, or mobile money, describes how mobile bill pay works. The ability to pay the electricity bill via mobile phone, rather than going to the bank, will be a great convenience for Afghans who often lack access to inexpensive transportation. Photo credit: FAIDA

To accelerate the replacement of cash with inclusive electronic payments, USAID created the Better Than Cash Alliance, a group of countries and private companies all over the world committed to solving the “messy cash” problem. Read more >>

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Trilateral Development: “We” Is Much Bigger Than “Us”

Mark Lopes is deputy assistant administrator for Latin America and Caribbean

Success for Latin America and the Caribbean means that the USAID must work itself out of a job. Read more >>

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