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September 23, 2010


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and free safety seat inspections


Yay for child safety in cars! I am happy to see that so many use child safety seats. However, every now and then I see a family without and child seats in the car. I am talking small children - even a baby in the parents lap. Those people need to make a better effort to keep their kids safe!
Kind regards.

if it didnt interfere wih standard radio, fm, I'd suggesting installing frequency disruptors randomly on trucks, maily local couriers, to disrupt many calls and texting while on the public roadways, and every 2-3 blocks inner city limits.

We should ask Rihanna to appear in a PSA featuring her song, "Shut Up and Drive". As an actor, I volunteer to appear in this PSA to help combat driving while either texting or talking on a cell phone. "Shut Up and Drive" can be the motto/slogan to fight this problem!


Matthew James Gulbranson

Child safety seats are another important tool to save lives on the highways. And they work well when used as intended. In California, many hospitals send the mother and newborn home with a child seat. And several times a year Orange County Fire Authority stations do child seat give-a-way programs and child seat inspection and use training programs for parents. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

I wish law enforcement would enforce the laws about children not in child safety seats. I see way too many small children not buckled up.

It seems like it is a secondary enforcement. They have to be stopped for some other offense, before the issue a ticket for not using safety seats.

I put all of the blame on the parents. They need to wake up before the lose a child in an accident.

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