USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Innovation

Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention: Introducing Our 1st Round of Winners


In the fall, Humanity United partnered with USAID to launch the Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention. We are incredibly excited to announce the winners of the first round of the Challenge. Read more >>

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Accelerating Innovation and Impact in Global Health

A child peers around the corner in the waiting room of the HIV Comprehensive Care Clinic of Meru District Hospital in Kenya’s Eastern province as two pediatricians stand in the background. Photo credit: Mia Collis, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Global health practitioners are recognizing the need to look beyond their traditional operating models and seek new solutions to reach the world’s most vulnerable. Read more >>

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USAID Contest to Recognize Pioneers in Science and Technology for Development

USAID-related science programs assist in expanding training for people around the globe. Photo credit: Zahur Ramji (AKDN)

USAID Office of Science and Technology (OST) is excited to announce the Agency’s first-ever Science and Technology Pioneers Prize contest Read more >>

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Better Than Cash: Project Update

Several young Afghan men listen as a representative from M-Paisa, or mobile money, describes how mobile bill pay works. The ability to pay the electricity bill via mobile phone, rather than going to the bank, will be a great convenience for Afghans who often lack access to inexpensive transportation. Photo credit: FAIDA

To accelerate the replacement of cash with inclusive electronic payments, USAID created the Better Than Cash Alliance, a group of countries and private companies all over the world committed to solving the “messy cash” problem. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Apps for Afghanistan

An Afghan youth uses his mobile phone to take pictures in Musa Qala. Photo credit: Dmitry Kostyukov, AFP

With an explosion in mobile phones, USAID engages Afghanistan’s best and brightest to grow mobile money. Read more >>

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At Datajam, Innovators and Entrepreneurs Unleash Open Data for Global Development

Administrator Shah and CTO Park discuss open data's impact in development. Photo Credit: USAID.

USAID and the White House explored new ways of leveraging open data for development at Datajam event on December 10 Read more >>

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FrontLines Feature: How to Get All Children Reading

USAID, World Vision, AusAID, and the U.S. Department of Education are leading the charge in finding early grade reading solutions. Photo Credit: Derek Brown.

Since literacy has been shown to lead to better health, higher incomes and more vibrant democracies, USAID and partners are seeking new solutions to an age-old problem. Read more >>

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USAID Fall Semester Review

It seems this semester is flying by and exams are fast approaching, making this the perfect time to step back and review everything that has happened so far during the USAID Fall Semester. Read more >>

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Devex Impact: Where the Conversation Is

When Paul Polman, the CEO of Unilever, accepted the C.K. Prahalad Global Sustainability Leadership Award it was a warning shot to businesses everywhere. He pointed to the swift government change in Egpyt as a result of collective social action. Polman said a similar fate could fall to businesses that did not operate responsibly.

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New Issue of Frontlines: Youth and Technology

Read the latest edition of USAID’s FrontLines to learn more about how the Agency is engaging youth around the world and how it is embracing mobile technology. Some highlights: Looking to young minds for new ideas to old development challenges is producing fresh solutions. Just ask the young woman who is helping save newborns in [...]

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