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Trade Counseling

Looking to export to Kenya?  Having difficulties in expanding your business in this country? Let the U.S. Commercial Service become your in-country marketing partner.

We provide the support you need to facilitate the successful insertion of your company in this market. 

Just contact us and let us know what you need.

Planning and Strategy

Increase your export sales and enter the Kenyan market with your U.S.-made products and services.  Our staff of commercial specialists has the knowledge and expertise to help you succeed in this marketplace.  We will work closely with you to provide in depth export consulting and customized business solutions. 

Trade Problems

Having communication problems with your client? Having trouble getting paid?  Through informal, conciliatory efforts we can help you resolve misunderstandings between you and your Kenyan client, enabling you to settle your differences through friendly negotiations.

Having difficulties bidding on an international tender?  We can help you overcome trade barriers, bureaucratic problems, or unfair trade practices and level the playing field to ensure that your company has the best possible chance to sell its U.S. products and services in Kenya.  Learn more...

We can also offer assistance with customs-related issues.

No matter what your needs are in this market, you will be making the right decision when you contact the U.S. Commercial Service in Kenya for counseling and assistance.  Contact us and take a weight off your shoulders. Our staff of commercial specialists stands ready to assist you.