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December 09, 2008


What we need are parents talking to their teens. Here in NC there are a lot of teenagers doing underage dreinking and driving afterwards. It's time we put an end to this, and start finding out where our kids are in the middle of the night!

Congratulations to all of the winners. Those ideas were good. Hopefully, whem implemented, they will make a difference.

We definately need more safe drivers on the roads.

I think this program should go nationwide. I lost my brother to a car wreck 12 years ago. If there were programs like this I think he would be still around.

These programs should be conducted from time to time all around the country to increase the awareness of safe driving among people, especially teenagers.


The Licensed to Live idea sounds like a good one.

I agree that we need to encourage parents talking with their children about this issue. Its really important.

It would good if you could get Dean Kamen on board a project like this or get it tied into his F.I.R.S.T (for inspiration and recognition in science and technology) program.

He really knows how to inspire youngsters in coming up with innovative ways of using technology to better the world. Instead of just safety campaigns, you could get the youngsters looking at inventions or ideas for physical safety products or products that would enhance road safety generally.


Great article...I have a 15 year old who is begging to get his learners permit.

I am making him read this before we go any further in the process. I have also created a pledge card for him to sign that states he will not drive recklessly, obey all laws and just generally act like a responsible person behind the wheel.

Driving is a privaledge not a right.

Lost one to many friends texting and driving. I usually recommend them to get a unlimited plan so they can just call and talk when driving without any worries

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