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Committee Assignments

Appropriations Committee 

The powerful Appropriations Committee writes the legislation that allocates federal funds to the numerous government agencies, departments, and organizations on an annual basis.

For more information visit the Appropriations Committee website »

Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs

The Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee deals with issues including our nation’s banks, the financial markets, the insurance industry, housing, urban development and mass transit.

For more information visit the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs website »

Environment and Public Works Committee

The Environment and Public Works Committee deals with issues including flood protection, drinking water and wastewater systems, transportations systems and other public infrastructure. The committee also addresses one of the biggest challenges of our time, global warming.

For more information visit the Environment and Public Works Committee website »

For information about Senator Merkley and Senator Wyden's Transportation Bill projects requests, go here.

For information about Senator Merkley's Water Resources Development Act requests, go here.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee is responsible for drafting the Congressional budget and oversees activity on the budget for the Federal Government. The Budget Committee also has jurisdiction over the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

For more information visit the Budget Committee website »

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