MINER Act: 5 Years Later

by Joseph Main on June 15, 2011 · 4 comments

It has been said that occupational safety laws are written with the blood of workers who have died or been severely injured on the job.  This is certainly a sad truth in the history of mine safety. 

Despite continual calls for improvements in mine safety, stronger laws seem to be introduced only when miners die in large numbers.  For example, when an explosion ripped through West Virginia’s Farmington # 9 Mine in 1968  killing 78 miners, public outrage over yet another senseless mine disaster led to the passage of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969.

In 1976, two violent blasts occurred within days of each other, killing 15 coal miners and 11 rescue workers at Kentucky’s Scotia Mine and laying the groundwork for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.  

Thirty years passed, a period marked by a steady decline in mining deaths across the country.  Then, in 2006, three separate mine tragedies that claimed 19 lives resulted in yet another piece of landmark legislation.  The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (MINER) Act of 2006 was drafted in response to the tragedies at the Sago, Aracoma and Darby mines.  A bipartisan group of political leaders came together with the industry and representatives of miners to craft a law built upon efforts by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the federal enforcement agency I now oversee.  The law further improved mine safety nationwide, by increasing training, upgrading mining standards, improving mine emergency response and requiring enhanced technology underground for post-disaster communications.

Now, instead of waiting until after a disaster to figure out how to respond, mine operators are required to develop and continuously update written emergency response plans.  In addition, the industry must maintain a better cadre of mine rescue teams that are more available and better trained to come to the rescue of miners when needed.  Also as a result of the MINER Act, miners trapped as a result of a disaster know there are  refuge chambers and caches of emergency air to keep them alive while the MINER Act-mandated mine emergency plans are put into action to locate and rescue them.  Requirements like these help ensure that mine operators are thinking about safety even when MSHA isn’t there.

We are finally seeing the installation of wireless or nearly wireless two-way communications and electronic tracking systems, as mandated by the MINER Act.  I have no doubt that these impressive technologies would not have been developed for coal mines by the private sector had the MINER Act not adopted its aggressive technology-forcing provisions five years ago.   

In the five years since enactment of the MINER Act, MSHA has implemented several provisions, policies and regulations, often ahead of schedule and beyond the requirements of the Act. 

There’s no doubt that the MINER Act has contributed to a safer mining environment.  Our work, however, is not done.  Twenty-nine miners died last year at the Upper Big Branch mine.  In the intervening months, MSHA has been using all of our tools to get the most recalcitrant mine operators to live up to their responsibility to operate safe mines.  We have learned, however, that we do not have all the tools we need.  Some of our impact inspections where we capture the mine phones and expose mine operators ignoring the law make it clear that we need more tools through legislation that deal with these operations.  We stand ready to work with Congress to craft new legislation and ensure the safety of all our nation’s miners.

 Joseph Main is the assistant secretary for mine safety and health.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 John Holtan June 27, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Mr. Main, the mining industry has continuously improved safety over the years. A safe work environment is something we should think about when on the job and while at home. Safety is not a job, it’s a lifestyle and MSHA is making mining safer as we speak. Thank you for pushing for the safety of all miners and the development of new tools for those workers. We all have to work together to make this industry safe. Everyone goes home, every single day!
John Holtan
LightsOn Safety Solutions

2 Julie Burns September 20, 2011 at 11:55 am

Unfortunately I am a injury miner My injury happened July 12 2011.
I was working for a subcontractor for the mine..Many safety compromise happen every day do to the almighty dollar ..
My life has been so dramatically alerter due to the injury I received on that day.
How it could have it been prevented was as simple barricading of a stock pile ..
If I can help in any way to stop the over looking of safety Please let me know.
I would love to be included in any and all help to stop one injury or lost of life..One is too many.Thank you.Julie from Tucson AZ.

3 Gregg October 25, 2011 at 9:46 am

Julie your right that the almighty dollar rules over safety.I became a whistleblower (3/11/09) after years of warning my employer through the chain of command of what i was uncovering with the unsafe equipment they were renting out to the public with company documentation of it.The day this employer terminated me for supposedly sending out on purpose an unsafe forklift and i even provided OSHA indisputible proof that the company rushed this forklift out on rent and i still lost my job on (4/20/09.)
This employer was so arrogent Julie that this employer sent out on rent on (4/20/09) a five ton scissor lift that i had just locked out unsafe with a major steering problem and i provided OSHA Complete 100% indisputible documentation the company did this knowing it was unsafe.The manufacturer even stated the truck driver loading that scissor lift was in danger and all this was given to OSHA.
This whistleblower case Julie has even cost two other coworkers their job.
So Julie you might want to rethink your offer for assistance in preventing workplace dangers. There is almost no protection with OSHA whistleblower protection program.

4 Mary Cantrell November 26, 2011 at 7:48 am

When working on a mine, workers must be provided with a proper and strong safety measures. Injuries and accidents are very harmful, to physical and even can effect the person’s life and his family.

Miners, always be safety.

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